C H A P T E R 2

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As I walk out of our dorm Jake follows me in his combat outfit. His outfit is the same as mine. He catches up and we start talking.

Jake: "What if just one of us will pass the selection?"

Marco: "You see? Now you are the one who is worrying. We are going to Rainbow together. I heard that there are better girls than here." -I chuckle

Jake: "You are right. We joined the FBI together and we are going to join Team Rainbow together."

Marco: "Hey, do you remember when we first met?"

Jake: "Of course! We punched each other cause we couldn't decide which of us is going to sleep on the upper half of the bed."

Marco: "Yeah, then Kyle came in and stopped us. Ah good old days." -The nostalgic feeling is incredible. We walked these halls for two years together. And now, maybe we have to say goodbye to each other. But I hope that I can join Rainbow with my buddy.

Jake: "Yeah you are right the good old days. Hey you remember the song, right?"

Marco: "From Blink-182? Of course I remember it. It came out last year.

[Play song above]

Than Jake starts singing the song. Don't wanna hear the static on the T.V screen. Don't wanna live a life of cell phone memories. The song pops in my head. First I just laugh but after Jake sings, I join him. We sing together as we walk down the hall. Then we take a left turn. The cafeteria is not far from here. As we continue I bump into someone. We immediately stop singing.

Marco: "Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!"

She looks up to me with blue eyes. And I know these eyes. She's Elena and she's sobbing. Jake notices her also, and asks her.

Jake: "Hey Elena, what's wrong?"

I'm thinking of what could the problem be, than it comes into my mind. Of course she's sad because of Max! Then they probably talked with each other about the entire Rainbow thing. As I'm thinking in a split second, Elena hugs Jake and starts crying.

Elena: "You know, *sob* Max told he wants to join *sob* Rainbow. But I want him *sob* here, with me. -She buries her head in Jakes chest.

Jake looks at me, he doesn't know what to do, so he just lightly puts his arm on her back and pats it.

Marco: "Then why don't you try to join Rainbow?

Elena: "Yeah but, *sob* only two of us will pass the selection! And those two will be you and Jake."

Marco: "How do you know? Anything can happen."

Elena: "I know it because you are a combat medic and that is a great plus!"

Marco: "Team Rainbow already has a combat medic, Gustave I think he's called. So maybe that is not important. -I try to calm her.

Elena: "Yeah, but-but..

Jake: "But-but what? Don't be afraid! Be that girl who Max likes! The strong and brave women! If you hurry you can still write yourself on the list."

Elena: "Thank you guys! And yeah, I'm going to write myself on the list. I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm a goddamn soldier for Christ's sake! I was acting like a nine year old!"

Jake: "Heh, yeah you were.." -I punch him in the arm lightly, then I give him a glare that says: "Shut up you jerk, she's right in front of us"

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