Chapter 16 - Blood Roads

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Twisting through the throng, they turned from the docks, plunging further into the city proper as they searched for a suitable offering for the Elders. As they drew closer to one of their regular hunting patches, however, another sensation slithered into his mind. Capper's brow furrowed as they came into sight of the broad entertainment boulevard and he shoved the human presences from his mind. Something didn't quite feel right.

"You feel that?" Gliss said, leaning close and speaking into his ear.

"I feel...something."

"I think you've got more company."

He looked at her. "You can sense-?"

"Another clan. Not Baelock." Gliss's eyes darted back and forth. "Can't quite pinpoint it, but someone else is definitely on your patch."

"You're sure?"

"You're not?"

His mouth twisted into a thoughtful grimace and he stopped, looking back at the others. "Heads on a swivel - I think we've got some guests out here with us."

"Here? If someone's trespassing they got some balls," Beel chuckled and Capper saw the shifting movement beneath his coat as the guard readied his bolt-thrower. Beel nodded to Finbarr and the others and similar motions rippled among them as they readied themselves for any unwanted guests.

"Keep those weapons out of sight until we know who we're dealing with," Capper told them. "If it's Baelock or Pyre we need to avoid a shooting match."

"This close to the Synod?" another guard said, shaking her head. "They wouldn't dare."

"Well someone has," Gliss retorted.

Capper couldn't keep the smile off his face when he looked at her, seeing the breezy confidence in her manner. Although she would probably deny it, she carried herself more like an Elder-Blood than she realised. He gestured to the seething masses of flesh before them.

"Alright, why don't you lead the way?"

A sly smile slipped across her face and she nodded. "Maybe I will." And then she was off, sashaying through the human population without a backward glance. Capper watched her, her eyes lingering on her hips for a moment before he forced his limbs into motion and followed her. Beel drew level with him as they walked and he caught his friend's knowing look.

"Shut up," he muttered.

Beel just grinned.

Following Gliss's lead, before long Capper could definitely sense the presence of other vampires - though how his companion was able to pinpoint it so precisely was a source of amazement. He'd always been able to feel when other vampire's were close, but Gliss seemed to have a veritable radar.

Soon they turned off the main thoroughfare, leaving the voice-saturated air and bustle behind them. The side-street was surprisingly quiet; they passed a half dozen humans, all of whom gave them a wide berth. Then, after following Gliss maybe a hundred yards, he heard a high pitched squeal ring out across the night air.

Even with the background thrum of the city Capper's amplified hearing instantly pinpointed the sound and he set off at a run, leaving the others to catch up. He slid his hand into his jacket pocket and locked his fingers into the grip of the knuckle-duster as he readied himself for the worst. Taking a sharp right turn he burst into a small, dimly lit concrete clearing in the jungle of buildings to find half a dozen figures gathered around a pitiful crumpled form.

His eyes adjusted to the gloom in an instant. The female human on the ground was already dead, her life blood totally drained and her body dumped unceremoniously by her attackers. The closest of them turned and Capper saw the flash of fangs. His whole body tensed as his companions thundered around the corner.

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