Chapter 15

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

The flashing lights scared me at first, but then Josh wrapped his arm around my shoulders, making me shiver. I found his touch comforting, but I am not completely trusting him, as of yet.

When we got inside the set Josh made me sit down and have a few sips of water.

"How do you deal with that everyday?" I asked.

"You get used to it in time," he looked at me worriedly.

Behind him a very beautiful woman came and whispered in his ear a few murmured words.

Josh nodded his head to whatever the woman said.

"Hello, I'm Jennifer, one of Josh's co-stars," she said, looking at me concerned, "follow me, I'll give you a tour,"

"Ok," I replied, wearily, "By the way, my names Elizabeth,"

"Well, it's nice to meet you Elizabeth,"

I followed Jennifer around, as she introduced me to many of the actors and familiarised me with the set.

One of my favourite people that I met was Willow Shields who plays Primrose Everdeen who is Jennifer's sister in the movie. She was mainly one of my favourites because she seemed closer to my age and we got along. Jennifer and I both got along really well! I think we're going to be fast friends.

I really need to ask Josh to show me the first two Hunger Games movies. Jennifer and Willow tried to explain the storyline to me, but it made no sense!

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