Chapter 14

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Josh's P.O.V

I decided to take her into work since, well that's the reason I adopted her! To find the next big star.

That morning, we jumped in the car and I drove to the set of my new movie: The Hunger Games Mockingjay.

Elizabeth was dressed in a black and white pencil skirt, a blue blouse and black strappy heels. She looked as elegant as ever! I was dressed in jeans and a grey t-shirt.

We pulled out in front of the set and Elizabeth looked like a little kid going into Disneyland. As we reached the entrance to the set, paparazzi swarmed, startling Elizabeth, so I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, making her shiver.

Almost instantly, I was being asked what felt like 6 million questions at once.

"Whose the mystery girl?"

"Is this your girlfriend?"

Poor Elizabeth, se must be so scared right now. I don't stop for photos or autographs, for Elizabeth's sake, she looks petrified.

As soon as we make our way in I make her sit down and drink some water.

"How do you deal with that every day?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes looking glassy.

"You'll get used to it in time," I answer.

Elizabeth looked exhausted! That was only getting through the entrance. Wait until we start filming!

After we had finished our conversation, Jennifer decided to come meet Elizabeth. That's right! Elizabeth has just met Jennifer Lawrence.

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