Can We Cheat Death?

Start from the beginning

"Does he make you happy?"

"More than you would ever know."

"I don't agree with your choice but I understand he's...he's different when he's with you. He's dare I say a decent person. You bring this side out of him that makes us all forget what he's done."

"Everything he's done is for the love of his family and the need to be loved."

"Is that what he told you?"

"Isn't that what we all do?" She has no response. "We act like we haven't done horrible things but we all have our own agenda on what we want in life and how we're going to get it. We killed Finn, Sage and everyone else they turned because we wanted Klaus dead. We were willing to kill so many for the life of one."

"We had no idea that killing an Original would have that ripple effect."

"But we knew it when Kol was murdered. We're no different than Klaus, Kol, and all the other Originals. We've all played a part in taking innocent or not."

"But our reason was justified."

"Why? Saving my sister. We did that. No, in fact, we keep doing that and at what cost does one life weigh more than others? I love my sister but I would never want anyone to sacrifice as many lives as we have for her to keep me alive. I would want people to fight for me but never trade another life for mine."

"Do you really not see Klaus for the monster he is?"

"I don't. I see him for someone who is loss. He's desperate for love and he doesn't want to be alone."

"You see that all in him."

"And so much more."

"Honestly we're probably just going to need to replace the floors." I say as I stand.

"Really? I think I getting somewhere."

"I don't think so Care." The front door opens and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you're home." I place my gloves in the sink.

"We were trying to clean the burn mark where Kol..." I stop dead in my tracks as Stefan is carrying Jeremy's body inside the house. He notices are concerned face but shakes his head.

"Come on let's get him upstairs." Elena orders like nothing is wrong. I follow her and Stefan into Jeremy's room as Stefan lies him down on his bed. Elena continues to cover him with a blanket and holds his hand.

"Can I get you two anything?" Stefan asks.

"No, we're fine." Elena answers for both of us. "I'm just going to sit here with him until he wakes up. Let me know if you hear anything about Bonnie, okay?" Stefan nods and looks at me. I can read the situation clearly. Something happened on that damn island that leads to my brother's death and now Elena is not accepting it.

"Elena, what happened?"

"He was drained of blood getting the cure. But it's okay he'll come back."

"And why do you say that?"

"His ring. It will bring him back."

"He's one of The Five Elena. He is..."

"But the mark is gone. He could be back to normal and the ring could bring him back. Please, you believe Klaus can be a decent person the least you can do is put the same faith into your brother."


"No. He's coming back!" I've never seen my sister in such a fragile state. She's borderline insane as she continues to hold onto our brother's dead hand. She's failing to see the signs that he's not coming back. When Rick and even Jeremy died with the ring their body never had a smell as it does now. No matter how much blood there was never this strong scent of death. I go to the other side and sit with my brother. I muster up all the strength I can as I reach for his other hand. Elena smiles as I do this. All I want to do is throw up. He has no color in his body and the smell is enough to send me running. I need to be here for Elena. She's newly transitioned and her control over her emotions is not where it needs to be to handle such a situation like this. Elena quickly gets up and I follow her downstairs.

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