Zach Herron's Daughter • THREE

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"MIMIIIIII" someone whined shaking me. "Whattttt" I whined back. "Wake upppppp." By now I knew it was Zach. "Nooooo." I said and got comfy again. Zach picked me up. "Zachary put me fucking down." I said pulling his hair. He smacked my ass and brought me downstairs. "Mornin." Anna said pouring Liv some juice. "Mornin." Zach said back.

"Hi mama." Liv said smiling at me. I waved at her as Zach put me down. I sat on the floor. "Mia get up." Anna said. I shook my head no. "Why not?" She asked me. "My body hurts." I said to her. "Why?" She asked again. I pointed to Zach. "OH MY GOD WHILE  I WAS IN THE HOUSE!" She screamed.

Zach looked at me confused and I shrugged at him. "Nope what did you say to her?" He asked me. "I didn't say anything." I said rolling my eyes. "Wow is it that time of the month?" Anna asked me. "Pretty close!" I screamed and ran upstairs ignoring the pain between my legs.

I walked into my room and saw Zach's phone. I picked it up real quick and looked at the lock screen. It was a picture of Jack and him holding each other's butts. "What the..." I mumbled to myself. I ran back down the stairs. "That was quick." Anna said. "I just needed to find something." I said to her. Zach choked on his juice. "You good?" I asked him. He got up, gripped my arm, and dragged me outside.

"What the hell?" I asked him. "Dude were y'all talking about your period?" He asked me. "Um yea." I told him. "And its coming soon?" He asked again. "Um yea." I said to him. "So if you don't get it in a few days you're gonna be pregnant?" He said happily. "What?" I asked him. "YESTERDAY!" He screamed jumping up and down.

"Babies don't happen in a day Zach." I said to him with no emotion. "Oh." He said and stopped jumping. "Damn why you gotta crush me like that bro?" Zach asked me pretending to be hurt. "Did you just call me bro?" I asked him lifting my eyebrow. "N-no ma'am." He said stuttering.

I nodded and walked back inside. "Mama help get me ready!" Liv squealed at me. "Okay princess lets go." I said to her. I picked her up and brought her upstairs. I put both of us in the shower (A/N yes together. Its normal. Don't attack me. Thank you, Next)

Once I was done washing us both I wrapped us in towels and ran to her room. I got her dressed into;

Once I was done with her we went into my room and I put on;

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Once I was done with her we went into my room and I put on;

Once I was done with her we went into my room and I put on;

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