10.cooking is not my cup of tea!

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(your p.o.v)

Harry was gone to studio for recordings of their upcoming album, so in the meantime i decided to make some brownies. I went into kitchen and gathered all the ingredient required to make brownies. Actually i  never made them before so i was a little bit nervous, i pulled my phone out of my shorts pocket and searched how to make brownies. I did same as it was written in the recipe.

after 30 minutes.....

(his p.ov.)

"(Y/n) i'm home" i yelled as i made my way through the front door. Everything was quite, it was very strange, because most of the time i've seen (y/n) dancing or singing or doing any stupid stuff but today it was different. Then suddenly I smlled something like burned, i started getting worried. I searched from where it was coming, then i made my way towards kitchen . When i got thier i saw (y/n)  sitting on the floor with her knees close to her chest and some burnt brownies on the table. I hear soft sniffles of (y/n) i rushed towards her and bended to get to her level.

"whats wrong baby! And why there are burnt brownies on table?", i asked soothing her. She burried her face face in my chest and cried

"thats it harry, i'm so stupid i don't even know how to make brownies. I'm sorry", she cried more. I never knew how delicate my baby is.

"shhh....its okay honey. I'll teach you how to cook", she looked up at me with those big brown shinny eyes. God she is so beautiful i thought to myself.

"really! you'll teach me?", she asked getting a bit excited.

"of course, darling i'll teach you",i said. Leaning a bit to kiss those soft lips.

"thanks cupycake, i love you", she said hugging me,

"i love you too baby", i said kissing top of her head.

Harry Styles imaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ