8. anniversary <3

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Its been one year of yours and harry's relationship. You both were so happy with each other, so happy that neither of you realized that how long it had been. For you it was like a dream come true and for him  it was like a dream of a dream. You both were each others world. Harry without you was like a fish without water, and you without him was like a heart without blood. 

(your p.o.v)

Omg! i never realized how long its been. Its seems like only yesterday i met him. I still have to pinch myself to check whether its a dream or not . I still remember that before i met harry i used to tell everybody that in future i want to be Harry Styles girlfriend, and now today i am girlfriend of my dream but, for me is not The Harry Styles, for me he is my cupycake. my butterscotch, my chocolate my..... just everything. I always believed that one i will be able to live my dream. And now i'm living it. Now i can say very proudly that i'm the luckiest person alive.

(his p.o.v)

Omg! i think i've got (y/n)'s habbit of that, but never mind i want to be like her, i want to be smart, kind, gentle,bubbly and  precious like her. I never thought that one day i'll find someone so perfect for me. She is like, well not like she is my other half. She lits up my day. I've never met someone so cute, kind, carefree. Sometimes i think that how someone could be so perfect. Sometimes i have to pinch myself to check whether its a dream or not. Now i can say very proudly that i'm the luckiest person alive.

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