We'll miss you Zayn

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I just don't know what to say. These 5 past years have been really incredible for me because four British and one Irish boy entered my life. I still remember the 5 years ago I found that my best friend cheated on me and I thought there was not reason for me to live everyone just hated me but then these five boys changed my life. They made me realise that I am beautiful in my own ways.

One Direction was formed with five boys who came from middle class families. Harry, Liam, louis, Niall and Zayn these boys were, are and will forever be a integral part of our life.

I know this is not the end of the band but to be very honest the band won't be same from now. Each and every member is a important part of One Direction. It's like only day before yesterday I was watching this is us thinking how perfect they are together and today it's hard for all of us to believe the fact that Zayn actually left the band.

We'll miss his vas happenin face, his zayn the vain thing. His smile, his perfect brown eyes his laugh just everything. We don't know what made him take this decision but he'll always be an important part of our lives.

We directioners are incomplete just as One Direction is incomplete without Zayn. The boy who comes from Bradford and was smashing it. The one who is crazy about spray painting. The one who mainly used to do high notes. We'll miss all of his habits.

I never met One Direction in real life and you can say that me dream of watching them perform as a whole band is has remained as a dream only.

But if he is happy with his decision so we are. I'm still hoping that this is just an ugly nightmare but no it's not. We are happy that he get to follow and he lived his dream. But he is still in our hearts.

And please this is a pleading request to all directioners that please don't stop loving the rest of the members we can't let them down this time is tough for them and we have to be their rock. Please guys don't ever stop supporting or loving them.

We'll miss you Zayn Malik. We Love you.😪💔


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