Chapter 4. cuteness

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After he agreed to thanksgiving I told him more about my family and what to expect. I wanted to prepare him for the craziness that makes up my family.

"The boys usually have their own football game which consists of prison rules, so I play soccer with the little ones which is only slightly less violent."

"And which game would you suggest for me?"

"Oh no, you won't get a choice, knowing my family you will be claimed by one of the groups." I smiled remembering how last year one of my brothers friends unknowingly caught the ball thrown his way and had the entire group of guys tackle him before he had a chance to process. "Either way just remember if you get passed a ball start running."

"Good to know. Any crazy relatives I should avoid?"

"They're all crazy, but there is no avoiding them." I shyly played with what was left of my food not wanting to meet his eyes. "I don't want you to feel pressured to come, it's a lot and you can say you're busy and I'll drop it."

"No, I want to come if anything your warnings are only making me more curious." Looking up he smiled and I couldn't hide my excitement.

"Great! My nieces and nephews are awesome they will love you, just don't make Grey angry because he becomes the hulk. He may only be five but he aims- uh" I cleared my throat and blushed, "low." I had to stuff my mouth so I wouldn't laugh as he choked slightly on his food taking a long drink.

"Who taught him that?" He looked horrified.

"I have no idea, and getting him to stop is an impossible task. Anyway, then you have my siblings, I've told you about them so you know a bit of what to expect. Just don't get caught in a conversation with my brother in-law Carson. There isn't enough coffee to get you through a one on one conversation he's sweet and good in groups but when alone he thinks he needs to carry it on his own."

"He's married to Rose?" my smile felt like it would crack my face. It was a simple detail but him remembering made me feel special


"And her twin will she be there?" He sounded a little hesitant.

"Clara? No, she's somewhere in Italy."

"Oh I'm sorry, you talk about her a lot and you sound closest to her." A sad smile made its way to my face,

"Yeah, she's my best friend." I probably sounded cliché or like a friendless looser but it was the truth, ever since I was a kid.

"You always make her sound tough so honestly I was a bit nervous about meeting her." I giggled as I remembered telling him about how she's been known to make people in the customer service business cry. Two things she can't stand is laziness and not doing your job to perfection.

"Really? Out of everyone, her?" as tough as I knew her to be I would have thought he'd be more afraid of Ryan or one of the triplets.

"As intimidating as the rest sound... You hold her opinion in high esteem so I wouldn't want to make a bad impression with her and lose any points with you."

I had to bite my lips to keep myself from beaming like a big idiot.

"Well, she won't be home until Christmas so you don't have to worry until then." I was so flustered and hung up on how great he was that I didn't really think over my words before spewing them.

"Then huh?" He had that ridiculous devil grin seeming to enjoy the way my eyes popped and I sputtered out vowels realizing what I had said and how it sounded.

"I-I didn't mean then as in you'll be there, though I'm not saying I don't want you there 'cause it is amazing but just that she won't be and-" He thankfully put his hand over my runaway mouth.

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