Encryption (Part 1)

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"We're sorry, but the person you were trying to reach is unavailable. Please lea-" I hung up once more. 'Call me back Jordan. Where the hell are you?' I thought as I stuffed my phone back into my pocket with a huff. It was now the next day with still no word from Jordan. My mom looked over at me from the driver seat. "Still nothing?" I shook my head, not even bothering to look up. "Well, no time to worry about that now..." I looked up at her to see what she meant before the realization hit me. We had rounded a corner and the school came fully into view. I gazed in slight awe as I began to analyze the features of the building; it was very small to say the least and it was an unordinary shape. Not your typical school.

We pulled onto the parking lot where my mom selected a spot and parked. I glanced at my watch; 4:55. 'Perfect.' I opened the door and stepped out before shutting it and turning around as my mom rolled down the window. "I'm going back to the house to do some more unpacking. Your father is at an interview so make sure you call me early so I can come get you and you won't be waiting forever. Alright?" I nodded. "Yes ma'am." She nodded in response. "Alrighty, have fun. Tell Jordan 'hi' for me." I held up finger guns and winked. "You got it." I joked, prompting her to roll her eyes and the window up. She put the car in reverse and backed out, driving across the parking lot and then onto the street. I waved at her and waited until she was out of sight before pulling out my small vlog camera. 

I pressed record and held it up to my face and started walking. "Alright everyone! This is video log #2 and we are here at New Tech Odyssey!" I turned the camera to the building and scanned it before returning it to my face. "I still haven't heard from Jordan, but with any luck I think she's still gonna be showing me around." I paused to take a look at the building and pull my wind blown hair out of my face. "Here goes nothing!" I switched off the camera and continued on.

I approached the door and entered, immediately noticing an odd selection of paintings and pictures depicting the evolution of technology hanging from the ceiling. In the center of the foyer was a strange structure build from steel crossbeams. At the the desk sat a pleasant looking lady with a kind face typing rapidly at the keyboard. I walked up slowly and as I did so she looked up and gave me a kind smile. "Hello! How may I help you?"

I returned her smile and extended my hand to hers cordially. "Hi! My name's Stephanie Willis. I just moved here and I was scheduled to go on a tour..." She took my hand and gave it a gentle shake. "Oh that's right! Hi Stephanie! There's a group already assembled to show you around." The woman released my hand and turned around in her chair to gesture to a posse of students sitting together and having a quiet conversation. I quickly scanned the group in anticipation but felt my heart sink when I realized that Jordan wasn't one of them. My expression changed for a split second to that of a look of disappointment before I plastered the smile back onto my face.

The lady turned back to me. "Are you excited?" I nodded briskly. "Yes, very." The lump in my throat returned and I bit my tongue to prevent my voice from breaking. She clasped her hands together and tilted her head. "So, can you tell me what made you consider New Tech?" "Well a close friend of mine recommended I check it out...I believe she's supposed to assist in showing me around..." I trailed off with a hopeful look. She perked up slightly, seemingly intrigued. "Oh cool! What's her name?" I smiled once more. "Oh her name's Jordan, Jordan Nielsen...we've been friends since childhood and she seemed pretty excited when I told her I was moving back." 

She nodded eagerly but her expression slowly faltered as I spoke. "Oh that's lovely! I had her for a class and she was always a character." She chuckled and grinned, I did as well and nodded. "Yeah, always has been. Good to see some things never change." She smiled again. "That's very true, but she actually wasn't here today." She looked upwards in deep concentration. "Now that I think about it I don't remember seeing her yesterday either. She might be sick, I'm sorry." she said apologetically. I looked at my feet before nodding slowly and raising my head to look back at her. "She said she'd be here but I understand if she's feeling under the weather. I'll just text her later to make sure she's doing alright." She nodded, watching me with understanding. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sure she would've been here if she could. And please do!" 

I smiled and gave a curt nod. "Alright, so you ready?" I beamed genuinely. "As I'll ever be." She grinned and spun around in her chair again. "Ok you guys she's ready to go!" She called to the group of students. They each looked over before slowly standing up one by one and making their way over. The woman turned back around to face me. "I'm sure you're gonna love it here. New Tech has so much to offer. I really hope you'll consider submitting an application." I smiled and nodded again. "I know I'll like it here, it seems like a nice place already." She smiled and I looked behind her as the group of students arrived at the tower and assumed an idle position. 

A tall girl with long wavy hair took a small step forward. She smiled gleefully in my direction, showcasing her pearly white teeth. "Um, hi! My name's Katrina, I'm a junior and I'm here with..." She looked at the people with her and gestured for them to introduce themselves in the same manner. Another girl who looked comparably younger with long straight hair gave a half smile. "I'm Taylor, I'm a sophomore." A boy with short curly hair, glasses, and braces raised his hand stiffly and grinned. "And I'm Michael, I'm also a junior." A third girl with long wavy hair and braces tugged nervously at her jacket sleeves. She gave a small wave and adjusted her glasses. "I'm Sarah, I'm a junior too." I nodded at her before turning my gaze to the final student; a guy with straight black hair and glasses dressed in dark colors looking intensely at his phone. I wasn't the only one who noticed as the rest of the group turned their attention to him as well. Sarah nudged him harshly and he looked up yanking his headphones out of his ears. He soon realizes the situation and quickly puts his phone away. "Oh sorry, well uhhhh hi. I'm Christian... I'm a junior." 

I chuckled and waved. "Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Stephanie." Katrina clasped her hands together and smiled. "Well it's very nice to meet you too, Stephanie. Shall we be going?" I nodded. "Definitely!" I made my way over and joined the ranks and we started off. From behind I heard the lady call out. "Be good you guys! I better not get a bad report!" Without turning around Taylor and Christian responded. "Yes ma'am." I turned around briefly and waved. The woman smiled and gave me a thumbs up before swiveling back around to face her computer. 

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