Chapter 12

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Mia awoke to her alarm blaring early on Friday morning.

Today was the day.

She had to be out of her dorm by 7:15am to get to her 7:30 final.

Mia threw her hair in a bun and didn't even bother to put on makeup.

She was wearing gray sweats and a yellow sweatshirt. It'd get hot later on but the morning air was cool and the sky looked cloudy.

Mia got to her class on time and took her first final, lasting until 9:00am.

9:04am(kp): How was it??

9:08am(m): i want to die

Mia's next 2 finals lasted until 3:00pm.

Finally, she was done.

Mia went back to her dorm room and got in bed. She was exhausted and her brain hurt.

"You do realize it's Friday right? We have to be moved out by Sunday," Becca, Mia's roommate shouted.

"Ugh, please just shut up. I just took all my finals."

Becca continued to clean her side of the room. Suddenly, Mia heard Becca gasp.

"Who are you?" Becca said bitterly.

Mia pulled the covers down from her head and looked over to the person Becca was talking to.

"KP? What're you doing here?" Mia said happily, sitting up from her bed.

Mikaela stood in the doorway holding a few roses in her hands.

"I came to say good job! For finishing your finals," Mik told Mia, ignoring Becca.

Mia jumped out of bed and hugged Mik, wrapping her arms around her neck. "You're so sweet," she said. Mia realized the state of her appearance and said, "I look like shit right now."

KP handed her the roses and hit her juul. "Shut up. You look fucking amazing. Need help cleaning?"

"I don't have too much left... but I guess."

"Uhm, Mia? Who is this?" Becca said. Mia and KP had completely forgotten she was even there.

"She's just, she's a..."

"I'm her girlfriend." KP stated. "Well... almost." She winked at Mia.

Becca stood there, obviously confused. "I didn't realize you were... gay."

"Well. I am. Aren't you done packing? We could probably use some privacy," Mia teased, grabbing Mikaela's hand a pulling her toward the bed. Mikaela laughed at Mia's response.

Becca look horrified and grabbed her last few boxes before rushing out of the room.

"See you next year!" Mia hollered at her. "I fucking hated her," she told Mikaela.

"What'd she do?"

"She would steal my stuff! Like my food, charger, my makeup, some of my clothes! I swear she was psychotic."

Mia started to pack the last remaining boxes and Mik helped out.

"Here, let me finish. You go shower and get ready. I have a place I wanna take you," Mikaela said to Mia.

"Really? Where? Tell me!" Mia said excitedly. 

"Can't. Go get ready!"

"Fine," Mia gave in.

She quickly showered and dug through some boxes to find a simple outfit. She wore some high wasted jean shorts and a loose fitted t-shirt. She let her hair air dry into soft waves and put on some mascara.

"Ok... I'm ready."

"You look perfect," Mikaela said, pulling in Mia for a kiss.

"You could say the same 'bout yourself," Mia checked Mik out. Her hair was a little messy, just how she liked it.

"You're funny, lets go."

Mik grabbed Mia's hand and intertwined her fingers.

They walked out of the building, hand in hand.

Henry pulled up in his car and rolled down the window.

"Get in bitches!"

Both of them laughed and got into the car.

"Don't say where we are going, ok?" Mik sternly said to Henry.

Henry threw his hands up, "I know! Chill. You moved out of your dorm right Mia?"

"Yeah, my last night there is tomorrow."

"Are you going to go back to your parents?" Mik questioned.

Mia raised her shoulders. "Don't know. My Aunt lives about 30 minutes from here and she said I could live there this summer. Home sounds kinda horrible anyway."

Mikaela nodded in understanding. "You know you could just stay at my place?"

Mia raised her eyebrows. Live together? Already?

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm just offering. I know Henry would love to have you around." Mikaela said with a smile, Henry nodding.

"I would love to... I just don't wanna intrude, ya know?"

"Nah, you're not intruding at all. We both would love to have you around. All the time." Mik said.

"Alright. I'll think about it. I don't know what my parents will think so I gotta try and think of something," Mia said back.

The sun was starting to set along the water. LA was starting to light up and the streets started to grow louder.

Henry was driving with the windows down. The warm summer breeze twirled Mia's hair in the backseat.

They were heading deeper toward the city. The buildings grew larger and taller around them.

"Can I please know where we are going?" Mia begged.

"No! You really don't get surprises," Mik hollered back.

Finally, they pulled up to a little building on top of a small hill. It looked pretty old and the brick was starting to fall apart.

"Uhm, are we here?" Mia asked.

"Sure are. Follow me," Mik said, getting out of the car.

sorry it's a little short!
i'm kinda going through a quarter life crisis trying to figure out what the fuck i'm gonna do for the rest of my life and writing helps me chill so... hopefully you can't tell while reading this
keep voting & thank u for reading!

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