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Tomorrow was my second 'date' with Blaine. I was kind of excited, although very nervous. I appreciated his company more than I expected to. He was sweet and seemingly innocent, he had a way about him that made my heart rate increase.

"You excited for tomorrow?" Shawn asked me when I got back from lunch break on Friday. I wasn't sure how he had known, so I kind of tilted my head at him to ask 'what?'

"Blaine stopped by while you were on break for a follow up on his truck and we chatted a bit"
I sighed, and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I'm excited for you! You need to get out more, Blue" he pressed on. I wanted to punch him square on the nose every time he talked to me. He was just one of those people.
I did have to thank him though, he did force me to hang out with Blaine.

Up until eight o'clock the next night, time seemed to move slower than it already did. In an effort to speed it up, I took a nap after work. I was exhausted anyways and it was probably good for me.

I settled into my bed that night in sweatpants and t-shirt. Everytime I got close to drifting off, Blaine would come into my mind and I would get that bubbly feeling inside of my stomach, or rather, my heart. After about two hours or so, I finally fell asleep, and woke up three hours later.

I checked the time; eight thirty-four. Great. Still so much time to kill. I figured, since it wasn't too late yet, that I would go to the store to get food, so I didn't have to go on Sunday as I had planned.
I didn't even bother to change and just headed out the door. It was strange to walk down the street in something other than jeans and a sweater, but most of the neighborhood had cleared out by seven-thirty.

"Hey Blue" the cashier said as I walked through the self-opening doors at the store, "wasn't expexting you till Sunday" he said in a tired tone.
I shrugged, and walked to the food isle to grab what I needed. I wasn't too keen with cooking, so I ate a lot of simple foods like pasta and salads. Although I liked to think I was pretty good at baking, so I always had an abundance of sweets in my apartment.

I finished getting what I had needed, and headed to the register.

"fifteen fourty-two" said the Cashier. I glanced at his name tag, I never thought to look at it before. It read; Mason.
His name was red, a different red than mine. It was a brighter red, like an apple.

I handed Mason exact change, and left with my items. I became well acquainted with feeding only one mouth in my household. I spent as little money as I could. I didn't need anymore than what I could live with.

Now back at my apartment, I began to feel a little tired again even after my long nap. I settled down with a cup of tea on the couch, and accidentally fell asleep there.

I had another strange dream that night. Well, nightmare rather.

Once again I woke up to see my mother. She was sitting in the same rocking chair as last time, but now she was dressed in a pretty yellow sundress, and her face was not her face, it was Natasha's, yet it was still my mother somehow.

I struggled to move my body again, but was able to gain consciousness back.

Upon opening my eyes, I became confused and panicked. I wasn't in my bedroom. It took me a while to realize that I fell asleep on the couch.

I glanced at the time, which was seven fifty-three in the morning.

Realizing I had been holding my breath, I let it go immediately feeling my body relax from its tense position.

I got up, and started for the kitchen to make breakfast, which I decided would be eggs and toast. A breakfast I enjoyed quite a lot.

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