Question 1

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A/N: Feel free to answer the questions yourself, if you want to.

It was a dumb assignment, like all college projects were. But Balthazar needed this stupid thing done in order to graduate, so he might as well get it over with.

His task was to learn something about the human interaction through a series of questions. And Balthazar, drunk on vodka in class, had said he was going to learn about love. 

Stupid drunk self.

But Balthazar had worked on it. He had even called in his old high school as the perfect place for his study. 

He set up a dozen pairs of students, and set them up with 36 questions to ask each other. No harm done.  The only catch was that you had to be honest, answer all the questions, and tell Balthazar how you felt after it was over. Big whoop. It got kids out of classes for the day, so they were completely willing to answer honestly for that.

The pairs were chosen entirely at random. Some were girl and boy, others girl and girl, some boy and boy. Balthazar thought the variety would help broaden his results.

Or it would get him a D for not considering different variables.

Eh, 50/50 chance he was willing to take.

And now, as all the students sat in their rooms, answering questions, Balthazar sat back and waited, figuring he had an A in the bag, and graduation set.

And maybe he did.

In one of the rooms was the awkwardly paired Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester. Two junior boys that had never even met before.

Castiel, or Cas as his friends called him, was a total nerd, right down to the rainbow colored 'I'D SHIP THAT' button on his Doctor Who T-shirt.

Dean, on the other hand, was a loner. He wore leather jackets, and had very few friends. A solid C student whose little brother was a freshman, even though Sam Winchester was supposed to be in 8th grade, not up with the high schoolers. 

"I'm Cas," Cas started, holding out a hand. He figured he had nothing to lose by answering a few questions with a cute boy. What's the worse that could happen, after all?

"Dean," Dean replied, shaking his hand. "So, uh, what are we supposed to do here?" There was a stack of index cards on the table between them.

"I think we just answer the questions to each other," Cas offered, grabbing the first card. 

"What's it say?"

"Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?" Cas read. They both thought for a minute.

"Well that's easy," Dean insisted. "Bob Seger."

"Bob Seger?" Cas raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?" Dean stared at him.

"You're joking, right?" Cas shook his head. "How do you NOT know who BOB FREAKING SEGER is! Old time rock n' roll? Night moves? He's like the greatest songwriter of all time!"

"Better than the Beatles?"

"In my opinion yes, although the Beatles are really good too."

"I love the Beatles."


"Well sorry I'm not as educated in the ways of songwriters as you are."

"Okay, okay, I'll let it slide if you know who Jimi Hendrix is."

"Of course I know who Jimi Hendrix is! All Along The Watchtower? Who DOESN'T know Jimi Hendrix?" Dean nodded.

"You have redeemed yourself. But I'm introducing you to the great Bob Seger the second we're done with these questions."

"Fair enough."

"So what about you?"

"What about what?"

"Your dinner guest. Who would it be?"

"Oh, um...." Cas thought for a moment. "J.K. Rowling, so I could slap her."

"Why would you-"


"Well, can't argue with that one."

36 Questions of DestielOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora