C34: The Play

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"If the Order are as bad as you say they are, perhaps Melaina can't be trusted" Eos said. That girl had never not been odd - Eos had no clue what side she was on... Maybe she was on one all on her own.


Eos sighed, "nothing about Laelaps",


"You said the last you saw of the Order, they were in Makadonia right" Eos said, she shrugged, "well, after Mytilene, we could-"

"No Eos" Kassandra shook her head, averting her eyes back to the mask,


"You're not coming to Makadonia, or Mytilene",

"Yes. I am",

"No, not yet. I can't chance that - not on a battlefield. Not after how easily the cult took Laelaps." it was decided. Eos would stay here until it was done. Kassandra could not risk such a thing.

"You have got to be-",

"Eos, you can't... fight... your left arm isn't strong enough to hold a sword" it sounded better in her head,

"Is that the only excuse you can come up with",

"Eos... You don't understand what their like... The Order, their ruthless, manipulative, they'll do anything to get their own way..."

Eos shook her head - the thing was, she did, much more than Kassandra.

"You say that if I've no experience with those sorts of things" Eos threw her hands up in the air. "Kassandra, I was one of those people. A ruthless, manipulative murderer that would stab you in the back if it got what I needed". Kass had hesitated but, not long enough for Eos to go on,

"Then you know how dangerous they are. I'm only asking you to sit this one out Eos" Kassandra said, she looked to her, the hurt in her eyes, it broke Kassandra's heart. "Once Kleon is dead, we will find Laelaps, we will destroy the cult, destroy the Order and... bring my brother home".

"I can't just sit here and do nothing" Eos swallowed back a lump in her throat, she shook her head,

"I know that Eos but, we need you, he needs you... alive... safe",

"Are you telling me that Laelaps doesn't" Eos asked, Kassandra closed her eyes, she couldn't deal with the look on Eos' face.  "That his life is worth less". Kassandra looked back to the mask, to the dents she'd made in to the clay.

"No Eos... I'm saying your life is worth more... and I think Laelaps would agree".


"This play will show the people what a pig Kleon really is" Aristophanes announced quietly to the small group of rebels who had gathered just behind the amphitheatre. Him and Thepsis had finally stopped arguing, the crowds were pouring in and, it looked as if even Kleon was going to witness his theatrical defeat in front of the people.

"Or, it'll get you killed for slander. Both of which I'd find very entertaining" Eos patted him on the back, watching the man pale.

"Your obsession with death is futile Eos" Sokrates said as they made their way around to the front.

"Because I have no obsession with death" Eos assured him, "I obviously have an obsession for risking death. There is a difference.",

"She's almost died a lot more than any person should" Kass said, "And survived a lot more than any normal person could". Eos hadn't spoken to her since the argument that morning and, even if Eos had smiled a little at the words, Kassandra knew the space between them was still sour.

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