Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, I am on my side with Tig behind me and his arms around me. I feel his morning wood pressed against my ass and I start to grind against him. I feel him stir against me and we are both still naked from the night before and I feel him slide his hand between my legs and start running them through my wet folds as he starts kissing my neck. Sliding his hard member against my slit before sliding inside of me. Thrusting in and out as he reaches around and gropes my breasts, causing me to arch into his hand as I moan. "Don't stop Alex. Please don't stop." I beg. "Cum for my baby girl. Let me feel that sweet pussy cum." Tig rasps in my ear as he nips at my neck. I feel myself start to fall apart and feel myself find my release and he finds his right behind me. "Fuck Morgan. You're gonna be the death of my Doll." I start laughing a little and he pulls me back against him. I feel him start placing light kisses to my shoulder. "You okay?" he asks. "I'm getting there." I say as I turn facing him, I place my hands on his chest and look at him. He kisses me softly and says "Happy will be here later and is going to give you my crow. You okay with that?" he asks. "Yeah. I am." I tell him. I snuggle into his chest and he asks "What made you decide to let go?" I look at him and say "Gemma. I was scared that I'd do something to make you mad and no think I was worth the time and make me leave. She told me you wouldn't and that I needed to get out of my own head and claim my man." I tell him. "Well, that you did." he tells me before kissing me one more time.

Walking out to the main room another round later, Tig sits at one of the tables and pulls me into his lap. One of the croweaters brings us both a coffee and Tig asks "Can get fix her a plate?" I look at Tig and he says "You need to eat Doll." I just nod. After eating, I see Gemma and I say "I need to talk to Gemma. I'll be back." I tell him. Kissing me softly, he lets me up. I walk over and ask Gemma "Can we talk?" She nods and we head out to the office. "What's up baby?" Gemma asks. "I took your advice. I let go and claimed my man. A couple of times." I tell her and she pulls me into a hug. "That's amazing baby." she tells me. "I heard you in my head telling me to let yo and claim him so I did. Thank you Gemma." I tell her. "Baby, you're family now. That means I will always have your back." she tells me and I hug her again. "I finally have a family." I tell her and I'm actually smiling a little.

Walking back into the clubhouse, I see Tig standing at the bar and a croweater moves in front of him. He keeps peeling her hands off of him and I finally walk up. He pulls me to him and the croweater tries to pull me away. "You need to back off honey." the croweater says. I turn to look at her and say "No I don't. He's taken...honey." I tell her. She steps up and says "You think you can just come in here and take Tig from us?" she asks. "Sweetheart I didn't walk in here and take him. He brought me here. He took me." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Roll your eyes at my Old Lady one more time and you won't have eyes to roll." Tig says as he pulls me closer. "Old Lady?" the croweater asks. "Yeah. Disrespect her again and you'll be tossed out on your ass." Tig tells her. I turn facing him and snuggle closer to him. The croweater walks away and I look up at Tig. He cups my face and kisses me softly before pulling me closer to him. We spend the rest of the day just hanging around the clubhouse waiting on Happy to get there.

A few hours later, Happy comes in with his tattoo kit. "You said you needed some ink done?" Happy asks Tig. "Yeah. Need my crow brother." Tig says. Happy looks at him shocked and then at me and Tig says "This is my Old Lady, Morgan. Morgan, this is my best friend Happy." I hold out my hand and say "Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand and says "You too." We head to Tig's dorm and two hours later, Happy walks out of the dorm and I have Tig's crow tattoo on my left breast and it's official. I belong to someone and they are actually good to me.

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