We enter my room. "And that is why, Simon-" I helped him sit down on a chair. "-I have this."

I showed him my wand. I put some enchantments on him, a muffling spell so Connor or other people wouldn't hear that there was another person in my room, an invisibility spell, in case Connor gets a glimpse of the inside of my room, so he doesn't suspect anything.

"There," I said. "You're all covered, Simon. And here-" I look for the Thirium bottle. "-Shit, I left it at the living room."

And of course, me being lazy, just said a small "Accio," and the Thirium bottle was in my hands again.

"Drink this if you ever lose more blood than usual."

Simon nodded.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'll most probably come back with Connor in tow, so be everything should be fine."

"Take care, Florentine."

"Will do. See you later, Simon."

With that, I apparated back to the roof of Stratford Tower where in my peripheral vision, my past self had just used the Time-turner and disappeared.

There were no one else in the roof except for a few cops who were getting last minute shots or just checking for possible hidden evidence.

I went downstairs, where Hank and Connor were waiting for me.

"Found anything, Detective?" Connor asked.

I shook my head. "No, nothing."

"Then let's go home," Hank gestures for us to follow, and the three of us walk to the elevator.

Connor fidgeted. It's like he was bothered about something.

Of course. He didn't get to catch Simon - he knew there was another android left, him and Hank saw the extra parachute left in the duffel bag.

Well, sorry to rain on your parade, Connor.

"Ground floor," The elevator speaker says, and we step out.

"See 'ya, kid," Hank waves goodbye as he walks to his car. I wave back and Connor followed me to mine.

I sat in the passenger seat, put on my seatbelt and took a look at Connor as he started the car.

"You look troubled."

He sighs. "It just doesn't line up. Why would the androids have one more parachute if their operation was planned to the smallest detail?"

"I'm sure they just added another parachute there just in case one couldn't work or something," I tried to stray him away from the topic.

"No, I saw a trail of Thirium leading to one of the storage areas. When I went there, there was nothing. I know there was another android."

I can feel the frustration radiating off of him. He did spot the deviant out of the station androids, but didn't succeed in finding that last android.

But I did.

We arrived at Glass Towers and made our way back to my place.

"Oh, by the way, Connor?" I call as I look for my house keys.

"Yes, Florentine?"

"I uh- I borrowed a couple of Thirium bottles from your stash, just letting you know," I whip out the keys and unlock the door, also letting the security scan my hand before I do so.

He tilted his head. "Why? What would you use it for?"

"Some experiments I'm doing, nothing harmful," I try my best to not sound suspicious. Who knows, CyberLife's most advanced android might have a lie detector in him. "I'll buy some to make up for what I got."

"No, it's fine," Connor and I walk inside as I open the door. "I probably won't need them anyway."

I place my room key down on the counter, removing my shoes and coat. Finn flew to the living room, towards me, and I stroked his feathers.

"You hungry, pal?" I ask the owl.

He gave me a hoot. Probably.

I walked to my room, Finn on my shoulder - but before I get my hand on the doorknob, Connor called out to me.

"Did you do your experiment in the living room?"

Oh heck no.

"No, why?" I answer, not turning around.

"There's Thirium stains on the floor and on the couch."

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Think, Florentine!

If Connor finds Simon, it's all over.

I felt my heartbeat getting faster, and I'm pretty sure Connor detected it, too.

I heard his footsteps coming towards me. Shit!

I have to stop Connor from getting into my room at all costs.

Quickly, I cast a quick colloportus charm on my door, locking it. Thank Merlin I know how to do non-verbal and wandless magic.

"Oh, really?" I say, turning around. Connor was a few feet away from me. "Maybe I just stained my shirt or had some on my feet and went there. Nothing big. I'll clean it up later."

He looked convinced, probably because I also controlled my heartbeat and breathing rate for him to not suspect anything.

"Are you sure, Detective?"

He came closer, and was just a step away, staring right through me. For the first time I almost felt intimidated by him. Almost.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and straightened myself up. "Why wouldn't I be, RK800?"

Connor shook his head and stepped away. "Right."

After he finally entered his room, I unlocked mine with an alohomora and locked it again after I entered.

Sighing, I laid down on my bed. "Hey, Simon," I say, waking him up from standby mode.

"Hello, Florentine. Is the deviant hunter here?"

"Yes, so I have to be careful whenever I enter and exit this room."

"This is dangerous, Florentine. If he finds me, he'll probe my memory and know the location of Jericho. Him and the humans will kill us," Simon tells me.

"And that is why I won't let him find you," I reassure. "I promise."

"I'm almost fully healed now," He states, and it was true - his wounds were barely visible, but still there.

"I need to go back to Jericho. They need me."

"You know what, Simon?"

He tilted his head, a signal for me to continue.

"Take me with you to Jericho."

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