Chapter 7 - Scotland

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Narrators POV:
As the morning sun creped through the curtains, Skyler Avery had woken up on the coach. She lazily sits up, wiping the sleep out of her eyes, and looks around the room. Her eyes land on the eldest Drake, Sam, sleeping next to her. His mouth was slightly open, with loud snoring. Sky laughs quietly to herself as she hears Nathan walking into the room. He was fully dress with his luggage ready to go.
"morning." he Greets.

"you could of woke me earlier." She says, quickly rushing through her suitcase.
"but you two looked so cute." he chuckles.
She looks up at Nathan and grads a pair of socks then throws it at him. It hits his face before falling on the floor. He just continues laughing.
"some ones moody this morning. Didn't you get any last night."
Skyler stands up, walks over to him and grabs Nate's shoulders tightly.
"focus on your own love life, Drake." She whispers before grabbing her suitcase and pulling it into the bathroom.
"that was uncalled for!" Nathan calls back.
With a jump, Sam wakes up in shock.
"what the hells going on?" he says, looking at his younger brother.
"just Sky being Sky. Anyway shouldn't you be getting ready." Says Nathan with a chuckle.

Sky's POV:
I sat on the bath tub, getting dressed in clean cargo pants, a black vest, a sandy brown jacket and black walking boots. Before forgetting, I take my medication and place my gun in the holster. Funny thing is I didn't change my leg brace to the more stable and not broken one. Then I again, I wouldn't realise until it was to late.
I stand from the bathtub, zip up my suitcase and leave the bathroom.
"hey guys, ready to go." I say with a smile.
Sully and Nathan both nod before leaving the hotel room.
"Come on Sam." I say, smiling widely. He chuckles before leaving the room with me.

We made our way to the run way and had gotten settled on the plane for the flight ahead. A few hours pass and nothing much was spoken, after last night I was kinda worried that Sam would see me differently. I can't believe I actually opened up about it, it's been so long since it happened. Then again it's something I've tried to forget.

By the time we got to Scotland we didn't have much time to rest. We arrived on the outskirts of the cathedral not long after landing, Scully flew the plane away so it didn't cause suspicion. The three of us were all wrapped up in coats, gloves and scarves, and started to make our way to the cathedral.

"Hey Nate, why did you leave Rafe?" I asked, mostly out of curiosity but also to break the silence.
"I couldn't deal with him and I'm pretty sure he'd had enough of me" Nathan said, he seemed hesitant to answer the question.
"There was a lot going on his frustration from not finding the treasure, I was still figuring out Sam's 'death' and I think he was ready to kill me by the time I bailed."
"Let's hope he doesn't catch you then" said Sam.

He was in front of his as we made it towards a cliff side.
"He's ruthless more so than before, we need to be careful." I said warning the two brothers.
"I know, I've heard stories. All the more reason why I don't feel bad about any of this." Said Sam, he smiles half-heartedly at me before we continued walking.

We got to a point where we had to slide down a steep sloop of loose rocks. Nathan and Sam slide down with little hesitation me, on the other hand, slowly made my way down. Well as slow as I could but thankfully I made my way down without much harm to myself. The boys didn't realise I was slow coming down the sloop which meant no questions, thankfully. Sam stood at the edge of the platform and whistles "it's a long drop."
"Yeah. Need to find another way down." Added Nathan.
"Really? I thought we were going to jump and try not to shatter the bones in our body." I said looking down.
"Keep up with the sarcasm and you'll see how many bones you break." Said Nathan, looking for a safe route.
"There's me thinking you were the nice brother." I said with a laugh as we continue our way down.

After another rocky slip n slide we used our grappling hooks and lowered ourselves down to some crates. Nathan, Me and then Sam, we walked over to the crates each one having Shoreline written on them.
"What is this?" Asked Nathan, as he looked over the crates.
"It's excavation equipment but I thought Shoreline was only by the Cathedral." I said.
The three of us looked at one another in confusion when we hear Shoreline mercenaries start shooting towards us.

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