Chapter 6- Misfortune

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Narrators POV :
A sick feeling washed over Skyler as she stared at Rafe and her clutch on Sully's arm tightened to the point where he groaned in pain. Realising who it was Sully stood in a defensive stance protecting her.

"Victor Sullivan, Skyler Avery! How the hell have you been?" Rafe said, with out a care in the world.
In that moment Skyler wanted to scream in his face about how he had ruined her life but instead stood close to Sully. Victor clenches his jaw almost biting his cigar in half before shaking hands with Rafe.

" Rafe." he said politely.
"how long has it been? Ten years? Twelve? " Rafe asked.
"Fifteen..." Skyler mumbles.
Nadine gave Sky a confused look, not knowing why her confidence had disappeared as soon as Rafe arrived.

"it's amazing. All these years gone by and here we are still haggling over some dead persons junk" he jokes.
"Really? Aren't you running your parents business. " says Sully.
"My business." Rafe says darkly.
"But yes that's my day job. " he continues quickly changing his expression and tone.
"ho oh. That's one hulliva day job. You could probably afford to buy everything on the platform tonight." Says Victor trying to make a more comfortable situation.

"well sure but what would be the point of that. These days I'm only looking for the good stuff... Big scores" said Rafe, his attention was primarily on Skyler but her eyes never left the ground.

"yeah, like I would want to bid against this guy. But between us I did notice that they changed the order. I think someone might be trying to rig this auction." said Sully making it obvious that he suspected Rafe.
"these guys didn't get where they were by playing fair."
"yes that's why you always need someone watching your back." Said Nadine, cutting off Rafe.

A jolt of sadness shocked Sky. 'damn it, and I thought we were getting along.' she thought.
"Well I hate to break it to ya but your are working with an American. Well talk about a power couple. " Victor joked slightly. Before anymore was said the Auctioneer spoke.
"In a next view minutes we'll be bidding on our next item an inlaid wooden crucifix. "

"well its been nice speaking to you again, we'll be getting off now." said Sully, him and Skyler began to walk away. That was, until, Rafe grabbed Victor's over arm pulling him back and made Sky get pulled with him. A faint crack sounded but no one noticed.

" Just hold on Sully. How did you two find out about it? " Rafe said, darkly. He was obviously referring to the Saint Dismas cross.
"it? What it is that Rafe. Nadine, I think your partner here has had to many bloody Mary's. " said Skyler, she had let go of Sully but she still stood close to him. It was like she had found a new born bravery.

Rafe losses his temper and throws the glass of water out of Skyler's hand before aggressively pointing at her.
" cut the crap you slut. I don't know how you scammed your way in here. But if you think about bidding on Avery's Cross I can tell you exactly how you will be leaving tonight. In a goddamn body bag." he spits, before grabbing her and pulling her close. Rafe whispers in her ear " you know exactly what I'm capable of."

With out thinking she pushed him away out of fear and anger. Sully places a hand on her shoulder, to help her relax. Nadine grabs Rafe and drags him away so no more attention was brought on them. Skyler breathed heavily, her body full of adrenalin.
" its okay, he won't bother you again." said Victor softly.
"hey, what's going on?" asked Sam, through the ear piece.
"don't worry I'm fine, just focus on the cross" she says, putting her mind on the task at hand.

"okay, but your telling me once we're out of here." Sam says.
"Sam it's not a big issue. Just focus on the cross." Sky says, with no more words shared between the two.
Sully looks at Skyler with concerned filled eyes before trying to contact Nate.
"he isn't picking up." he said worriedly.
"it's probably bad signal, I'm sure he's okay." she says, her eyes wondering the room of criminals.

Men Of Lossed Fortune ( Samuel Drake x oc fan fiction ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя