The Next Doctor (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Evy laughed at the sight, it was beautiful.

"Like it?" the Doctor asked.

"I love it," she told him.

He beamed, "I know you love period trips," he shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant, "So I thought, why not?"

She shook her head at him before pulling him down into a chaste kiss.

The Doctor's eyes danced with happiness as he looked around and spotted a boy standing at a stall, "You there, boy. What day is this?"

"Christmas Eve, sir," the boy nodded.

"What year?"

"You thick or something?"

Evy just managed to hide her snort of amusement behind her hand as the Doctor sent her a mock glare before turning to the boy, "Oi. Just answer the question."

The boy sighed, "Year of our Lord 1851, sir."

"Right," he nodded, "Nice year. Bit dull."

"Hey!" Evy lightly slapped him on the arm.

Before either of them could get into a good-natured bicker about period Earth vs. futuristic Alien trips a shout drew their attention.

"Doctor!" someone yelled. They looked around, trying to see who that had been, but there was no one, "Doctor!"

"Who, me?" he asked, looking down at Evy who could only shrug.

"Dull you were saying?" she smirked as they took off running. They headed down in the direction the shout had come from, turning a corner into an alley were there was a black woman in a red dress backing nervously away from a bolted door.

"Doctor!" she shouted.

"Don't worry, don't worry," the Doctor ran up to her.

"Stand back," Evy pulled her back.

"What have we got here?" he asked as growling came from behind the doors, "Oh," and then something slammed against the doors, making them rattle, "Ok, I've got it."

"Whatever's behind that door isn't docile," Evy turned to the woman seriously, "You should get out of here, get somewhere safe."

The woman just ignored them both and continued to call out, "Doctor!"

Evy frowned and looked at the Doctor, confused, he was standing right there.

"No, I'm standing right here," he frowned as well, "Hello."

"Don't be so stupid, who are you?" the woman demanded, looking between the two of them.

"I'm Evy," Evy replied.

"And I'm the Doctor," he added.

"Doctor who?" she frowned.

"Just the Doctor."

"Well, there can't be two of ya," she said, looking behind him as another man, dressed in a period suit came running up, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Don't worry," he stepped forward, ushering them back, "Stand back. What have we got here, then?"

"Hold on, hold on," the Doctor shook his head, "Who are you?"

"I'm the Doctor," the man replied. Evy's eyes widened as did the Doctor's, "Simply the Doctor. The one, the only, and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver."

The woman handed him something too quickly for either Evy or the Doctor to get a proper look.

"What?" the Doctor breathed.

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