Ross: When Your In a Coma

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    You know he's there. You've heard his voice. You've listened to him beg you to open your eyes. You've heard his voice crack when he sings to you. You've felt his fingers tangled in yours. You've listened to him mumble your name when he falls asleep in the chair next to your hospital bed. You know he's sleeping when his grip loosens on your hand. You can feel the atomic bombs explode through your body when his lips touch yours. And every time you feel his presence, you feel a little spark of energy run through your weak body. But it's never enough to open your eyes...
... Until now. He's sitting beside you, like he has for the past 2 weeks. You feel his loose, limp grip on your hand, telling you he's sleeping, once again. You hear his little snores, as your name comes through his lips every so often. He mumbles your name one last time, and that's when your eyes snap open. You look around and see all the bouquets of flowers from Ross and all the gift baskets from the others. Then you see him. The one that's been by your side through it all. You wished his hazel eyes would open because you've missed them so much. But, you could tell he needed some sleep. You could see the dark bags under his puffy, red eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. He looked so uncomfortable. He was slouched down, his cheek leaning against his left fist, scrunching up his face a bit. This just makes him that much more adorable. His feet were sticking straight out in front of him with his back against the chair. You couldn't wait any longer. You needed him to know that you were okay. You gently squeeze his hand with no success.
"Ross" You roughly croak his name. He lets out one loud snore, making you giggle. And that's when his eyes snap open. He'd recognize your laugh anywhere. He tiredly glances at you with your eyes open and a smile from ear to ear. He takes a double take at you, unsure if what he's seeing is real.
"Hey, baby" You softly croak. When he hears your voice for the first time in what seems like forever, he rushes out if the room. It was almost as if he was scared. He seemed horrified. That made you feel alone. You felt empty. It broke your heart seeing the fear in his eyes, but worst of all, you were the one that scared him. You couldn't help but let the tears fall. You were heart broken. It was like your whole world just washed away.
You sobbed and sobbed until you heard the door burst open. You look up and see him with a smile on his face and fresh tears on his cheeks. How was he smiling? What's so great about your own boyfriend being so scared of you? His smile immediately fades when he sees your face.
"Baby girl, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Was it something I said? Something I did? Baby, please tell me so I can fix it." He pleaded you to tell him why you were crying. As he spoke, he ran to your side, sat on his knees, and held your hand. The tears streamed down his cheeks as he begged you to tell him what was wrong. You knew that his biggest fear was that he did something wrong and hurt you.
Seeing all the love and care in his beautiful hazel eyes only proved how dumb you were to think he'd be scared of you. This only makes you cry even more. But when he gets up and pulls you into his strong, warm, loving arms, you can't help but break down. He doesn't say a word. He knows that if he does, he'll break down too. He knows he has to be strong for his girl. Once you calm down, he asks you again.
"Why were you crying, baby girl?"
"I thought you were scared of me." You whimper to him.
"Why would you think that?" He asks in a soft tone.
"I saw the look in your eyes when you ran out. You looked so horrified. Why?" You choke out.
"Baby, I wasn't scared. I was surprised. I didn't think you'd ever wake up. The doctor said you wouldn't make it cause the crash was so bad. I promise I wasn't scared. Baby, I am so happy that you're awake. When I saw your beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes opened and your gorgeous smile, I had to tell someone. That's why I ran out. I had to go tell the world."
You were speechless. You never really realized how much he actually cared about you.
"I don't even know what to say. I had no idea you cared so much about me." You stumble to say.
"Why wouldn't I? We've been through so much together and I wouldn't trade that for the world. My biggest fear in life is loosing you." One single tear rolled down his cheek at the end. And that's when you knew you were gonna spend the rest of your life with a guy named Ross Shor Lynch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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