When Hes Sick

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- Ross

His eyes were red from not sleeping, due to his horrible cough. His nose was all stuffed up and his voice was all scratchy. He just finished the chicken and noodles you made him for lunch. "You tired, baby?". You softly ask him as he lays down on your lap. He weakly nods before falling into a much needed sleep. You could hear his little snores from his nose still being stuffy.

- Riker

He was miserable. He couldn't breath right. He had a horrible headache. He couldn't see straight from being dizzy. And he had a pretty high fever. His eyes were a little puffy from not sleeping for three days and his nose was swollen a little cause it was so stuffed up. But, no matter what happened, you were right by his side till he was better.

- Rocky

He's got the stomach flu. Every time he runs to the bathroom, you're right behind him to help him hold his hair back. And every time, he says that you don't have to do that. But you do it anyways. You can't help but feel sorry for him. You stay by his side until he is back to his perverted self.

- Ryland

He's so tired and week, He'll sleep through anything. And when he's awake, he's sneezing and coughing up a storm. He sneezes so loud, you jump three feet in the air every time. All he wants is for you to be by his side the whole time. And you're happy to do just that.

- Ratliff

All he has is a tiny cold. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Not to him. He acts like he's "sooo weak" he can't even move his butt from his bed to the couch. He begs you to do every little thing for him. But, even though he can be a pain in the butt, you still love him and get him anything he needs.

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