Chapter 9: Help

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(Issac's P.O.V)

"And she said I could totally consider a career in formation swimming. But I was like, "I wanna do something that helps people less fortunate than me", thank you very much, y'know, like the poor or people who are like dying or ugly or something, 'cuz I really think that ecology and world peace are like totally important today. Do you use free weights? Your deltoids are huge." Courtney said to Mitch in the front of the van.

Here I was, sitting in the middle seats of a hot guys van while Courtney sat in the front basically telling Mitch her life story.

"I've never used deltoids in my life, I swear. You can test me." Mitch replied.
I saw Neil roll his eyes, stretched out on the two seats next to me.
"Kill me now." He said.
"Thank you for doing this Mitch. He means an awful lot to me. I love him like he was a brother." Courtney continued.
"He is your brother." I said. "But yeah, thanks for doing this, Mitch."
He smiled back at me before turning his attention to the road.
"Woah, look at that sky!" Mitch said.

I looked up and saw weird purple and green thunderclouds overhead, turning into weird shapes.
I was mesmerised until Neil shouted.
"Look out!" He cried, pointing past Mitch's head.
I saw three figure ahead of us, and we were running straight towards them.
"Oh no!" Mitch cried, and swerved out of the way of the figures.

"That was Norman and Izzy!" Neil cried.
We managed to miss the people but kept on driving, as Mitch tried to gain control of the van, until a tall figure was in our way.
"Watch out!" Mitch cried but ploughed into the figure and making the van halt to a stop.
Mitch turned around, taking off his seatbelt.
"Is everyone ok?" He asked.
Courtney and Neil were upside down in their seats with their legs in the air while I had somehow made it into the back of the van.
"No!" We cried in unison.

(Isabelle's P.O.V)

I screamed as I saw a familiar blue van head straight towards us before swerving out of the way, missing us by a hair.

I watched as it kept on moving before crashing into something and stopping abruptly.
"Is that Neil's brother's van?" I asked.
"I think so!" Norman replied, running towards it with me and Alvin behind.

As we ran towards the van, we could see Mitch outside holding the judge zombies head, looking horrified.
"Run!" I cried.
As soon as I said that, the head gasped.
Mitch shrieked and kicked the head into the bushes in fear, the rest of the body flailed around, looking for it's head.

Norman, Alvin and I ran inside the van, bustling past a girl in a jumpsuit. Alvin got into the back while Norman and I sat in the middle with Neil.
"Izzy?" I heard someone ask.
I turned my head to see my brother, looking very pale.
"Heyyyyy Issac." I said awkwardly before leaning closer to him. "Who's the girl in the pink jumpsuit?"
"Norman's sister, Courtney." Issac replied.

Mitch jumped into the drivers seat in a hurry as I saw more of the zombies coming closer.
"Did you see that?" Mitch asked.
"That was insane!" Courtney cried.
"I know, right? I kicked that like a hundred yards!" He exclaimed.
"Norman, what just happened?!" Courtney shrieked.
"Zombies! I swear, okay? We saw them burst out of their graves! For real!" Alvin explained in a panic before realising Issac, Courtney, Neil and Mitch were staring at him.
"Just so you know, I totally saved his life, and I could totally save yours." He continued, trying to be nonchalant, looking at Courtney.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Courtney asked.
"I'm Alvin. I'm in his class." He continued.

I was panicking, the zombies were getting closer and we haven't even moved!
"Uh, guys... maybe we should actually drive away now." I suggested.
"Oh, right." Mitch said, starting the engine before shrieking as a zombie peered through the window.
He stepped on the accelerator and we lurched backwards before spinning around and driving away from the hoard of zombies.

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