Chapter 12: The Storm

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"Izzy?" I asked, dumbfounded.
She was floating at least a couple of feet above the ground, her hair was everywhere and her arms outstretched.
It was a small clearing, barley two metres wide, with a huge tree growing in the centre.
She turned her head to see me, her face bloomed into a smile as she turned around, her hair falling into place.
"Hiya, spiky hair!" She giggled in a cheery fake voice that definitely wasn't hers and her eyes glowed a sickly yellow, not the green it usually was.

"You're not Izzy." I said. "She would've never called me that."
"Yes I am." She replied, pouting.
"No you're not! What have you done to her?" I demanded.
"Ugh, you're no fun." She said, landing on the ground, her voice going a little deeper, not the high-pitched chipmunk voice. "She was easy to possess." She replied nonchalantly.
"Possess? What?"

"Exactly as I said." She said, too close for comfort, before booping my nose.
I stepped back. "Where is she, Agatha?" I asked.
Izzy, well Agatha, looked surprised.
"Never thought I would hear that name again." She muttered before white took over my vision.
I felt a force hit me in the stomach, sending me flying back into some trees.

I opened my eyes, seeing that I had crashed through a bit of the foliage, the glow was now brighter than before.
I slowly crept out from the tree line, noticing that small clearing had became bigger than before, I noticed an open grave at the bottom of the tree in the centre, but the thing that stood out the most was the huge electric yellow-white thing in the middle, with Izzy and Agatha floating in the centre, hair looking like they had been electrocuted, barley visible.
"Hello?" I called out, my words echoing.

"You're not welcome here. Go away." I heard Agatha say.
I shivered but continued anyway.
"Uh...I really need to speak with you. Not the possessed Izzy, just you." I asked.
"Who are you?" Agatha asked.
"I'm Norman. Norman Babcock. You don't actually know me, but I know you. We're actually kind of the same, you and I." I said, being careful, before ducking out of the way of rocks heading my way.

"You're not dead." I heard Agatha say, her voice sounding nearby.
"Well, no, apart from that." I corrected.
"And you're a boy."
"Well, yes, that too." I said again.
"You're not like me at all." Agatha said.
I hesitated, I knew I was on dangerous ground.
"I know how you feel?" I said, guessing.
"No you don't. You don't know anything about me." She replied.
I took a few more steps closer to the tree, knowing it was getting more dangerous.
"I know your name is Agatha Prenderghast." I said.

Agatha's voice wavered. "What?"
"And I know you're probably tired. Right? Because, I mean, it's really late and it's been a long night and we're, like, only eleven years-old, and..." I continued, but Agatha cut in like a clap of thunder.
"I don't want to go to sleep, and you can't make me!" Came her voice that whispered in my ear.
"I burnt the book into dust, and now I don't have to listen to that stupid story any more!" She said, firing sparks of lighting towards me.
"Leave me alone." She hissed, stopping the attacks.
I squinted to see the shape of Izzy holding her head, like she had a headache, I was getting more terrified, but I have to try.

"No. I'm not leaving. Just listen to me." I said, taking a breath. "Uh...once upon a time...long ago...there was a little girl..." I started.
"What?" Agatha asked.
"A little girl who was different from the other people in her village." I continued.
"I'm not listening! LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LAAA!" Agatha's voice chanted as if she stuck her fingers in her ears.
A flash of white went through my vision and suddenly there were multiple Agatha-Izzy's floating around me, pushing and shoving me.

"She could see and do things that no one could understand, and that made them scared of her." I continued even though I was being pushed.
"I don't like this story!" Agatha cried.
"She turned away from everyone, and became sad and lonely, and had no one to turn to."
"Stop it!" Agatha cried in rage before and explosion of white happened, flinging me back.

When it faded away, the trees had lost all of their branches and was on my knees.
I turned my head, holding my arm, to see Agatha-Izzy rise out of the ground, looking pissed.
"But the more she turned away from people, the more scared they were of her, and they did something terrible!" I continued.
"They became so scared that they took her away and they killed her!" I said.
"No!" Agatha cried, seeming to glitch out.
"But even though she was dead something in her came back."
"Stop!" Agatha said, seeming to glitch in and out of Isabelle's body, trying to block her ears.
"And this part of her wouldn't go away, not for three hundred years..."
"Shut up!" She screeched.

"And the longer it stayed, the less there was of the little girl!" I continued.
Agatha-Izzy shrieked an ear-splitting shriek, yellow-white lightning crackling around her.
I grabbed hold of a tree as I saw the ground crumble beneath me, chunks of the ground floating away from each other.

"I'll make you suffer!" Agatha shrieked.
"Why!?" I asked, the chunk of rock I was standing on breaking, giving way.
I grabbed the edge of the bigger chunk of rock.
"Because.....because..." She said, looking away.
"Because you want everyone to hurt just as much as you are! So whenever you wake up you play this mean game, but you don't play fair!" I said, hauling myself up.
I jumped onto another piece of rock, which was smaller than before.

"They hurt me!" Agatha said.
"So you hurt them back?" I asked, the piece of rock was unstable beneath my feet.
"I wanted everyone to see how rotten they were."
I managed to jump onto the roots of the large tree in the centre.
"You're just like them, Agatha."
"No I'm not!" She said.
"You're a bully!"
"No I'm not!" She screeched, going into the tree, making it crack.

"Ah!" I cried as the tree broke away and I was flung back.
Suddenly a force stopped me from going backwards before flinging me forwards into a tree.
The force pulled me back and then into the tree multiple times before letting me go.
I fell onto a branch and almost fell off if my shirt hadn't caught onto a bit of bark. I managed to turn around and grab hold of the branch with one hand and Agatha-Izzy rose out of it, the tree levelling.
I slowly climbed up it towards her, though the wind was trying it's hardest to keep me away.
"They did something awful, but that doesn't mean you should too!" I said, looking up to her. "All that's left of you now is mean and horrible!"

"That's not true!" Agatha said.
"Then stop. This is wrong and you know it! You've spent so long remembering the bad people that you've forgotten the good ones. There must have been someone who loved you and cared for you. You don't remember them?" I asked, slowly moving towards her.
"Leave me alone!" Agatha cried glitching from Izzy and herself.
"But you're not alone! You have to remember!" I cried.
"Norman!" I heard a familiar voice say, and I looked up to see Isabelle's face was a mix of fear and sadness. ""
I nodded before standing up and running towards Agatha, my hand outstretched.
"Remember!" I cried, jumping and grabbing onto her hand before my vision went white and the sound died around me.

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