Mia widened her eyes and looked intently at Mikaela.

"Flowers. Lots of flowers."

Mia laughed, "Flowers? What kind?"

"I said one hint! I'm not saying anymore. I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

"Ok ok! Fine."

Mia grabbed her notebook and started to look over her notes again but she couldn't pay attention.

Mikaela climbed off the bed and crouched behind Mia, reading her notes from behind her.

Mia could feel Mikaela breathing on her neck. There was no way she could study with Mikaela by her. She was too much of a distraction.

"This shit looks hard," Mikaela whispered, pulling Mia out of her trance.

"I know, and I don't get any of it," Mia said, even quieter. "I'm going to fail."

Mikaela stood up and pulled Mia up with her.

"You are not going to fail. Ok?" Mikaela started, grabbing Mia by the face and looking right at her. "You are smart. You are so smart."

Mia smiled and reached up, placing her hands on top of Mikaela's.

"Thank you love," she said with her eyes closed. She had never called Mik that but it felt right.

Mik leaned in and kissed Mia softly.

"Also, tou look so fucking cute with those glasses on," Mikaela said.

Mia shook her head, "You are so bad. You are trying to distract me!"

"No! You're just so sexy I just wanna - "

Mia pushed Mik back onto her bed. She fell with her elbows catching from behind her. Mia straddled on top of her, slowly getting closer to her face.

"You know what I really wanna do?" Mia asked.

Mikaela nodded, not breaking the eye contact.

"What I really, really want?"

Mikaela nodded again.

"I want..." Mia was practically touching Mikaela's lips, "... an A on my final." Mia stopped and got up off of Mikaela.

"You fucking tease!" Mikaela jokingly yelled.

"Gave you a big boner huh?" Mia laughed. "It's late and I need to get back to my dorm, alright? I haven't been back in days and I'm sure my roommate thinks I'm dead, even though she wouldn't care anyway."

"You're gonna leave me? Please stay," Mikaela pleaded, patting the spot next to her on the bed.

Mia leaned down and kissed Mikaela, pulling back even though she wanted to never stop.

"I have class tomorrow and I can't miss it. Don't make me feel guilty," Mia said sadly.

Mikaela gave in, "I know, I know."

"I'll see you soon, ok?" Mia said, walking out of the room with her backpack around her shoulder.

"Maybe next time as my girlfriend?" Mikaela said with a smirk.


Mia headed home and finally made it back to her dorm room. Her roommate wasn't there but the place was a mess.

"Stupid bitch..." Mia said quietly as she threw her roommates dirty clothes back to her side.

She got ready for bed and got comfy under her blankets. Grabbing her phone, she checked her messages.

1:08am(kp): Goodnight baby

Mia smiled at her phone and quickly typed back.

1:16am(m): goodnight ❤️

Mia turned off her phone and shut her eyes.

She fell asleep fast knowing her heart belonged to KP. And KP's belonged to her.

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