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I walked over. I picked Ethan's lips. "I'm sorry" I said and flew away. To Ethan and Grayson's pack house. I landed and there guards went on edge. "Relax I'm your Alpha Ethan's Luna" I said. They backed down and nodded. "I came to introduce myself to the pack" I said innocently. They nodded. Suddenly I was standing in front of 5000 wolves.

"I came here to let you know I have a chance of being your future Luna. I wanted to let you know if I do become Luna that I will stop at nothing to protect you all. I will protect you guys and the Dolans until my last breath. I swear it. You may not trust me and that's understandable but if you say the word Luna I will be by your side in seconds without a doubt" I said proudly and bowed their heads. "I have something to do. Tell your Alphas I'll return tonight at 10pm." I teleported away.

I walked through the door. "it's time" I said sternly and she nodded.

Nova is my twin sister. I have the powers to destroy heaven and she has the powers to destroy hell.

Anyways I lead her out of the cell she was in. Satan kidnapped her and locked her away. So I freed myself to save her. I teleported us to the mortal dimension, The Dolan pack house. I was in front. I took her wings and halo away. "No one can know who our parents are and what we are okay?" I whispered into her ear and she nodded.

Ethan and Grayson appeared. Grayson tried to touch her "Stop!" I screamed and he looked at me. "If you touch her the same thing that happened to me and Eth will happen to you two" I said nervously and he nodded. My sister stood there baffled. "Guys can we stay here please?" I asked and they nodded. We smiled. "I'm gonna go explore coming Nova?" I asked and she nodded. "We'll see you two later" we waved goodbye to the boys.

"Come on I saw a waterfall whilst flying here" I said and we ran, me leading the way. It was beautiful. There were flowers, floating water lilies and vines. We sat next to it. I was falling asleep when I got a tap on the shoulder, I saw a wolf pup. A boy about six years old. "Hello, I'm Bryson I wanted to see if you and the other girl was okay" he said sweetly "We're fine thank you, so Bryson are you in Ethan's pack?" I asked and he nodded "I'm gonna be a big Alpha just like uncle Ethan!" He said happily "Uncle?" I asked confused "His sissy is my mummy" he said with a smile on his face "So that means we're your aunties cause we're mates to your uncles" his face lit up.

I walked back with Bryson after waking up Nova. We got there I heard faint crying "Brysons gone... I-I lost m-my own son! H-How did I do that E-Ethan, G-Grayson how d-did I lose h-him?!" I heard. I walked in with Nova and Bryson "Hey E" I said and they looked at me. "Bryson! Thank you!" She screamed and ran to me. She scooped him up and held him. Ethan walked to me "How'd you find him?" He whispered into my ear. "Let's just say we had a conversation about a certain three siblings.

Mistake~ E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now