-.-- . . -

104 3 8

Phred: Go fuck yourself

Alyna: Fuck me yourself, coward

Phil: So in order to help us take down Viz and the rest of the evil aliens... Zack HAS to give you a hug... Because he looks soft and warm...?

Serena: Did i fucking stutter

Phred: Then its decided! Smiley is the purest of the group

Smiley: Hey I'm plenty tough! In fact, I started a gang the other day

Zack: And how did that go

Smiley, under her breath: It turned into a book club

Phil: Where's Serena

Zack: Doing stuff

Phil: I dont like the sound of that

Phil: Where's Smiley

Zack: Tryna stop Serena from doing stuff

Phil: Phred?

Zack: Tryna stop smiley from stopping Serena from doing stuff

Phil: and why are you here

Zack: I'm supposed to stop you from tryna stop phred from tryna stop smiley thats tryna stop Serena from doing stuff

Phil, looking at people do dumb shit: what a bunch of idiots

Phil, looking closer: oh, those are MY idiots

Phred: *gets down on one knee*

Alyna: Oh my god, its finally happening

Phred: *falls over*

Alyna: the poison is kicking in

Police officer: you're under arrest for attempting to carry extra 3 people on a motorcycle

Serena: Ah shit,, wait, did you say 3???

Phil: Oh my god


Phil: thats a terrible idea

Serena: awesome, thanks for the input, gonna do it anyway

Death: Ive come to claim you

Phil: Hold up I need to check with Smiley first

Death: This isn't a choice-

Phil: She said no

Phil: if smiley really thinks she can just bat her cute little eyes at me and get whatever she wants, she is
absolutely right

Phred: you can just admit it when you make a mistake

Phil, stirring his coffee: maybe I just like it with salt

Smiley: *makes dirty joke*

Smiley: Wait I'm supposed to be the good one sorry

Phil: I cant wait until i can fuck off into oblivion and never see you assholes again

Smiley: im trying very hard to be a good person and preach love and peace but I also really want to beat the shit out of those jerks

Zack: I wish real life was a soulmate AU, it would have spared me a lot of pain

Smiley: I'm ready for bed

Phil: I'm ready for death

Serena: me too *finger guns*


Smiley: I am legitimately concerned

Phred: Can we talk about that world-wide email you sent out?

Alyna: It was a critical update

Phred: It says "I'm back on my bullshit"

Alyna: People need to know

Smiley: I'm sending some good vibes your way

Smiley: They're coming

Smiley: there is nothing you can do to stop them

Alyna: this is the most threatening way ive ever been cheered up

Smiley: For self-defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act accordingly

Zack and Serena: okay

Smiley: If you want to live give me all of your money

Zack: Bold of you to assume I have money

Serena: Bold of you to assume I want to live

Smiley: Hey I ate those brownies in the kitchen, were they yours?

Phred: Yeah they're gonna kick in soon

Smiley: Whats gonna kick in soon

Smiley: Phred

Serena, apologizing: ..-/...—.-.-.-.—

Phil: what is that

Serena: Remorse code

Phil: I'm even angrier now


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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