Rant (niggas🙇🏻‍♀️ )

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So like as girls we all have our p.o.v's on how we see boys 😕
And lately I've beeeeeen experiencing problems with niggas 😒

So here's the situation:
Last year I was with a guy (I don't like to call it dating ) buh anyways ,let's call this guy B
so B and I was like together for like a month
It wasn't that deep so it ended and I was like whatever 😏

Like a week before my birthday and his (his 2 days older ) B slides into my d.ms telling me how sorry he is and how he F***ed up and how he'd really want us to get back together
And I was like we can make it work because we never really got to know each other properly and whatever so
We talked for that week and got back together the day after his bday and before mines😎
We'd talk and just like steady chill , vibes were dope

3 weeks later ...
I go onto my Instagram ,just to see what's poppin'
And because he is like my mans ,I go and like his pics and comment and in the comment section I become baffled
Because I see this one girl ,let's call her K ,
K was commenting things like 'my man', 'boo' and 'hubby' 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
So I decide to go onto her page
And he also be commenting the same typa ish

I chooose to ignore it because I wasn't looking for drama and nothing (because it was literally the day after Christmas )

Valentine's week :
'Twas a slow week
B wasn't online (cause he claimed to be depressed and out of it ) and school was hectic and I won't forget how we wrote a physics test on that day !

On the day he didn't bother saying happy Valentine's Day ( btw we not in the same school so we don't see other very often )
And I said it first cause I'm not petty like that 🤓
He said it so vague and he still was not feeling quite like himself
And you know I try my best to comfort his feelings and be a supportive girl 😚🤪

I again go on the gram
And K posted a new pic with barely any clothes on and this time she tagged him by her boobs and butt 🍑👀
And he commented "stars ✨✨✨" ,
my girl ,Gina ,hit him up to tell him to stop with his bs and asked about the situation

He said , that's his best friend and it's not like that and he wouldn't do that to me 👀
Okay ,we like 'cool bro' 🗣🗣🗣

Like 5weeks later ....
Now this is the part where y'all get your popcorn and really listen !


And this time they both changed their Instagram profile pictures to each other !!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's when I lost it( not really ,I'm not like that )

But what I did say was :
Don't come here and disrespect me like this.
This is bullsh*t and it's also weird
Should've told me that this was an open relationship cause this is just rude
I think it's best we just cut it' 💔😎

Moral of the story :
-don't ignore the signs ,there are always signs !
-investigate the female best friend, because why can't you be his female best friend ,that's basically what a girlfriend should be
-don't put in more energy than he does
-protect yourself at all costs because when they say 'boys ain't sh*t' they mean it
This was a very educational story, wasn't it kids ? 🖤🖤🖤

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