Jeff pulled away from the kiss and quickly said something that still made my heart race without having to feel fear. I never thought he'd ever say it.

"Marry me," he said breathlessly. I couldn't respond. "After this is all over let's get married! We'll be free and together. I don't know how to be a husband but I'll sure as hell try! I don't care how or when or where we get married. All that matters is that we're together. So fuck everything and let's get married." Marry him? He...he's asking to be married? To me? Y-Yes! Of course I will! But I can't form the words right now. I'm too stunned. I could only manage to nod quickly and before he could say anything else Slenderman popped up behind him and grabbed him. Jeff yelped in surprise as a tentacle wrapped around him. "Masky and Hoodie need your assistance, Jeffery," Slendy stated. "But-!" Jeff started but was cut off as Slendy teleported, taking Jeff with him.

I stood there, taken aback by this. But I quickly snapped out of it as anger fueled my energy. I clenched my fists and started running towards the sounds of death. A Corrupted killed my mother and father. I'll kill every last one of them! I'll wipe them out! But not just them. Oh no, I'll kill the son of a bitch who created them in the first place. Corrupted may be roaming, but it's Zalgo's fault for putting them on this Earth to destroy it! I'll kill Corrupted and I'll kill HIM! I'll make sure he suffers worse than what these people are going through. Kill...kill...kill...!

As I ran I remember what Jeff told me. He said I'm a hero. I'm not a hero. And I will never be a one. I haven't won this war yet. I'm no "hero".

I'm just a very, very angry girl.


[Four Hours Later]

I've killed many Corrupted and I've managed to save people from getting killed themselves. My clothes are stained with blood both red and black.

A little girl cried as a lion-sized Corrupted prowled towards her. It's razor sharp teeth glinted with blood and black ooze. The little girl threw a rock at it in which the Corrupted hissed and spikes stood up on its back like a porcupine. The little girl screamed in terror and before a spike could shoot out at her and impale her, I lunge out and push her out of the way. We both landed on the ground and I lay there holding her. She looked up at me with teary eyes and I gave her a small smile. Before I could tell her anything, the Corrupted growled and I sat up. I held her in my arms as I cast the destruction spell on the ground under it. The dirt caved in, taking the Corrupted down with it. It hissed and tried to leap out of the hole but as it was close I went over and stabbed it in its head. It fell back and I turned to the little girl. "Close your eyes sweetie," I said gently and she did as I told her. I looked down into the hole and leaped into it, landing on the Corrupted and I began maiming it. I tore open its chest cavity and since it began snapping at me I plunged my blade up into its lower jaw, the sharp point sticking up into the roof of its mouth. It screeched in pain and I yanked the blade out, black blood spraying me and flooding the mouth. I dig around inside the chest and reach its heart. I ended this quickly and stabbed the rotting, black organ. The Corrupted shuddered and started to wither like all of the rest.

Once I was only standing on ashes I climbed out of the hole and made it to the girl. I quickly grab her and carry her, trying to find a safe place for her. I stopped once I reached a street and looked around. Houses were destroyed and cars were on fire. Where can I put her so no Corrupted come to kill her? "I need to find my Momma," she told me shakily. I look at her and nodded. "I'll find your Momma okay?" She nodded and I started running again. As I ran down the street I saw another child, wandering alone. I quickly made it to them. A few meters away I recognized them as another little girl. A few feet away and I recognized them as none other than Sally. "Ellie!" she shouted in surprise. I ran to her and kneeled. "What are you doing out here alone?"

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