A Valentine Wedding.

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For a grand total of four to five days. I was stuck in the hospital. Lexi stayed with me the entire time I was in there. On the second week of January. I was finally released but into Lexi's custody.

I returned home to see Teddy, Izzy and Harley sleeping on our bed. I smiled as Harley whined in her sleep. I approached the bed and petted Harley making her wakeup. "Hey, how is my pup?" She barked frantically waking up Teddy and Izzy and they ran straight to Lexi. And once I was settled back into my home or Lexi and I's home. We planned the rest of our wedding. Which took us about the whole weekend after I returned home. We set the date on February 16.
Mom, Angela, Becky, Ashley, Pam, Trish and Adrienne were asked to help with Adri, Pam, Trish and Becky being bridesmaids and Adri being the maid of honor. My side of the wedding, I asked Seth, Roman, AJ, Braun, Mike, Finn and Randy to be my groomsmen. I asked AJ to be my best man. Lexie and I nailed anything left of our wedding down before our wedding day. Lexi and the girls agreed to go out for a spa day plus some manicures and pedicures at a salon.
AJ planned a guys day to a shooting range and an archery range as well.

When Lexi went back to work, I worked out in my gym for a couple hours a day. Mom, checked on me by phone call and text every other day. Angela and Bob also checked in on me. Lexi always called me or video chatted with me every night or whenever she was free. As the days went by, I ramped up my gym time to four to six hours a day. To get myself in fighting shape. But the week of my wedding. The Ceremony was to be held at Bob's and Angela's home, the reception to be held at me  and Lexi's home. Then me and Lexi would be off to New Orleans, Louisiana for a few days, then Orlando, Florida for a couple days to spend those days in the one place I know Lexi loves more than home. I was excited to show her the tickets to Disney World, and Epcot to be honest. But I would give her the tickets on our wedding night as an extra special gift for her.

A day or two before our wedding, Lexi and I went to the obstetrician for Lexi's first ultrasound.
When we arrived, she and I filled out the paperwork needed to see the obstetrician. When her name was called and we were led to an empty examination room with an ultrasound machine, we barely had to wait for the doctor to come in and begin the ultrasound. "Hello, Miss. Boyce. I'm Doctor Andrews. How are you feeling today?" He asked.
"Pretty good."She answered.
"Good. Shall we?" He sat on a stool as Lexi laid back on the examination table and rolled up one of her 'Consider Yourself Blissed' T's exposing a nice baby bump. "Okay, this will feel a little cold." He said as he squirted some special gel on her stomach and a little dollop on the wand of the ultrasound machine. Then started to glide the wand over her stomach and spread the small amount of gel and began the ultrasound. "Now, let's see how things are coming along." Not even a few seconds later, a heartbeat could be heard over the speakers. "Well, everything seems..." Then a second heartbeat could be heard over the speakers, "Well, I think a congratulations are in order." A third heartbeat then came onto the speakers, which made Lexi and I look at each other in complete shock. Which quickly turned to happiness. "Cause you two. Are going to be the proud parents of triplets." Lexi could hardly contain her tears.

When the appointment was over, we scheduled the follow up for April, l6th at eleven o'clock.
"Triplets." Lexi gushed. "I can't believe it. I'm so happy baby."
"As am I, honey." I smiled. "I think this will make for an excellent surprise for our family and friends."
"Are you suggesting we keep our good news, to ourselves until our babies are to be born?"
"Come on. You can't tell me it wouldn't be a nice surprise? We could tell them that we're having twins and keep the third baby as a surprise." I grinned as did she.
"That sounds. Like an ingenious idea, baby."
We spent the rest of the day looking at baby names, nursery ideas, etc. That night, as we fell asleep. I held her close to me as her back was te me. "I love you, Lexi." I said rubbing her stomach.
"And I love you, Daniel." Lexi replied as we both fell asleep.

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