The King of Nightmares Meets Lexi's Parents And Pets.

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The next morning, I woke up to find Lexi still asleep and she looked so peaceful and adorable as she slept that I didn't have the heart to wake her up. After a couple hours she started to stir. She yawned and stretched and as she looked to me. "Morning."
"Morning beautiful." I replied.
"Sleep well?" She asked.
"Yes I did. Did you?" She giggled and nodded gently. "Good." I kissed her forehead and she got off me and I sat up and stretched and yawned. A few times my bones in my arms and back popped so loud that some of them scared Lex. But when I smiled she dismissed the thought that it hurt.
"Well, today's the day you meet my parents and pets baby."
"I'm looking forward to it." I grinned as she stood up and headed to the bathroom. "Want some company?" I asked and she gave me this look that spoke volumes as to what she wanted. She went as far as to bite her lower lip and waved me to follow her inside the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and she was already in the shower and had the water going.
"Hurry up baby, your goddess is waiting." She whined which made me giggle a bit as I slipped out of my boxers and into the shower. "Now, I think I owe you a reward for beating Dolph last night."
"I believe so." She smiled at my little playful dig at her.
"Come here." She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a nice long, hott, passionate kiss and when I moved my lips from hers to her neck she moaned in pleasure as she felt my hands tighten around her waist a bit. It didn't take long for us to really start having fun.

Thirty minutes into the shower, Lexi was leaning her back against the wall of the shower and I was railing into her with her right leg resting on my left shoulder.
She was screaming my name as I was hitting her g spot over and over again. "Oh God, Daniel. Yes, baby that's it, right there!'' I could tell she was very close to cumming. And I could feel her pussy  tightening around my cock.
"God you're so tight baby." I smiled as she got closer and closer to the ninth orgasm of the round.
"Don't stop baby." She breathed. "Oh God I'm gonna cum baby." She repeated the last part twice more before creaming and squirting all over my dick. But I didn't stop.  She smiled and pushed herself onto her palms as my thrusts started to slow down and become more forceful and deliberate. "You gonna cum for me baby?" She asked with an evil grin on her beautiful face. I just nodded and grinned. "Then cum for me baby. Cum for your Goddess." Not even a second later. I unloaded the biggest load ever into her and I leaned into her as she smiled and kissed me on the cheek and lips. "God baby. That was amazing spectacular even."
" You weren't so bad yourself darling." I smiled as we pulled  away from each other, letting her right leg fall off my shoulder.
" Ooohhh, I love you, Baby."
We soon dried ourselves off, got dressed, and headed out to our rental car and headed to her parents place. Which was a little over a five hour drive, but we had a blast on our way there.

When we got there. We were greeted by her mother and father. "'Hey, sweetie," Her mother said,"And this must be Daniel."
"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you." I smiled as I extended my hand.
"Nice to meet you too, son." Her father shook my hand. "I'm Bob and this is my wife Angela."
" Lexi has told us a little about you. But not much." Angela said.
"Well, I guess She wanted to afford me the honor of telling you what she didn't." I grinned as I looked at Lexi and said, "She is definitely the woman for me, and she deserves to be treated like a queen or goddess rather."
" Daniel has been given some time off. And he has made Hunter promise that no harm will come to me While he's recuperating. And if any harm does befall me at all. Daniel will make him pay. He didn't specify how. But I'm happy that we're together."
I smiled at my girl and she approached me and hugged me from behind.
"So, What did she tell you?" I asked.
"Just that you were in Japan for a long time." Angela said. "She also told us that you had the worst  luck in love."
"Well, she's not wrong there." I smiled. "But, When I met her. I felt like I had this second chance at love. Now that I'm with her. I feel like the luckiest man in the world,"
" And I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Because I have this guy right here."
"Well, you two do look good together." Bob said,
Lexi and I smiled  at that comment.
" And if I may say so. We would love to have you be a part of our family. And if you do become part of our family. I can guarantee you that you won't regret it." Angela  smiled.
"Well, I'd love that really, and there is someone I'd like Lexi to meet. But she's been so busy that I rarely get to talk to her much, she kind of took over as my mother I guess you could say," I grinned.
"Well, we look forward  to meeting her." Bob smiled.
"I'm sure she'd love to meet you. However, I'm sure she'd like to meet Lexi first." I told them.
"How come?" Lexi asked.
" I'm just sure. Every year on my birthday, Christmas , even Valentine's, she always wonders when I'll find someone."
"Well, I think she'd love me." Lexi grinned.
"I agree." I smiled.
"What's her name?" Angela asked.
"Well, that is a surprise." I smiled.
"No fair." Lexi frowned.
"Now, now, let's be fair. You will meet her. It'll just be when she is free. Which if I'm not mistaken. She'll be in either Chicago or Los Angeles by the end of October. So you'll be able to meet her then." I told her.
" Okay." Lexi smiled. "I think I can wait that long to meet her." She kissed my cheek.
"So how long are you guys going to be in town?" Bob asked. 
"Well, I actually bought a home in town in Victoria Square." I smiled. I looked to Lexi, and she slid into my arms. "And I have this little princess to thank." I hugged Lexi close to me and kissed her forehead.
"Maybe we can come over and see it." Bob said.
"Whenever you want to see it let me know." I smiled.

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