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Disclaimer: I do not own OP or any of the characters involved.

A/N: WOW OKAY- I spent about two days on this chapter because I kept getting distracted by life... SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I'm trying to increase the length of these chapters, but this is going to be the only one out tonight. Hopefully I can post another two or so tomorrow. The amount of views this already has is astounding! I don't know where all of you are coming from...

Trigger Warning: Blood, Severe Illness

Damn him.

Fingers clenched into fists, knuckles white from the stress induced upon the digits as Ace growled. The door was firmly shut, lock slid to keep either of them out though he was only truly worried about one of them.

Gone two years with only minimal contact and now it was like this, Ace unable to meet his eyes out of fear...

He was still leaning against the door, head resting against the cold wood and tight fists on either side as he allowed his eyes to finally fall shut. He was just so tired... Exhaustion weighed down on his shoulders, shackles around his wrists and ankles that beckoned him into the warm embrace of sleep. How could he when nightmares waited just around the corner though?


Ace shook his head, chasing away the darkness as he pushed himself away from the door once more. Sleep was not an option, not now at least. Now a full day without his narcolepsy medicine- It would only be a matter of time until his body forcefully shut down. Then, and only then, would he allow himself to rest. With the sun yet to set and blinding light and warmth itching across the floor in the form of rays of light, that time was still a long way off.

Ace wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed.

Sleep was a double edged sword. Each second spent awake was a lasting torment, but each spent asleep was a second wasted. A second he would never have back. Better to spend that time with his friends and family than let it slip away forever.

Thoughts heavy on his mind, Ace all but collapsed into his desk chair, the familiar comfort of leather suddenly annoying as he flicked his computer on with deft fingers, the movement practiced and mechanical. It meant he wouldn't have to think and the raven welcomed the brief respite. Anything to take his mind away from the email that flashed angrily at him from the notifications at the bottom of his screen. The bright red flash that warned of the message awaiting his eyes.

He shut off the screen quickly, face pale.

No need to read it just yet, right...? Still, it was important- valuable information.

Ace wet his lips, leaning farther back into his chair as he stared blankly at the black screen before him. One hand still hovered besides the mouse though not a twitch was made any closer.

What the hell am I doing...?

Once more the screen flickered to life and Ace hit the message alert before any further time was given to decide. One new message. Breath was sucked into his lungs slowly, Ace hesitating only a second farther before that too was opened up to reveal a message from-

[From: Thatch]

-Yo, Ace! you've gotta check out this club with me next weekend. Some wicked music and chicks if the rumors are correct! Don't leave me hangin again man. You totally ditched out on me last time and Marco's a draaaaaag. I promise it'll be worth-

"DAMN IT THATCH!" Not realizing that he had leaned in closer to the screen, Ace's back slammed back against the chair as he pushed it away from the desk, rising to his feet in one angry movement. "Shit-headed bastard." The screen flickered to black once more and Ace growled as he stormed towards the window. It was impossible to ignore the relief that washed through him though. How long before the email he was waiting for arrived? They had said some time this afternoon, but the waiting was killing him.

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