chapter 5

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I helped him inside once I was sure his stitches wouldn't rip and cause his wound to erupt in a bloody mess once more, but even as we limped into his pub, I tried to shift most of his weight onto me. We managed, somehow, to get into the pub before I collapsed under the pressure of his body, heavy gasps circling in my throat.

"You good?" I questioned, and earned a weak smile as a response. Good. I didn't kill him.

"Why'd you help me?" he asked, curiosity burning softly in his tired eyes.

"The fucking Hippocrates Oath. I'm a doctor," I explained, watching the understanding permeate his face.

"That suits you," was all he said, before his eyes fluttered shut in preparation for what I assumed would be a long sleep.

I couldn't exactly leave him slumped up against the wall we had fallen against, but I also definitely could not lift his body up the stairs that I presumed led to his room. I resolved on finding a blanket, and hopefully a pillow, and then dragging a chair over for myself to make sure he won't die in the middle of the night.

I found some questionable blankets after a few minutes, so I lugged them back to his resting body. I managed to shift his head enough to wedge one of the blankets underneath his neck, and I unfolded the other one and laid it across his sprawled legs.

It wasn't long after I sat down in the chair that my consciousness drifted away from me.

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