chapter 4

26 2 4

It was a gunshot wound. I could see it in the way the skin festered around the opening of the skin and how the blood bubbled around his abdomen. From the size of the wound I could tell it was a bullet from a shotgun — messy — but it also looked like it had missed most of his vitals.

I could take it out. I could save his life.

I briefly considered leaving. Slowly backing away into Molly's and into my room, and leaving him here to possibly die. He was an asshole to me and he didn't deserve my kindness.

But my morals got in the way.

I ran the last few steps to his body, falling to the ground and letting my knees sink into the snow.

"Do you think you can get inside?" I asked quickly, hoping he was still conscious.

"No," he snapped giving me a sharp glare. He really needed a reality check if he was going to show my attitude while I was trying to help him.

"I can call someone to-"

"No. No one can know," he demanded, his fingers finding my wrist and grabbing it roughly.

"I can't exactly take a bullet out of you in the snow. The cold could kill you. Also, it's not exactly sanitary," I told him, responding to his aggression with my own. I tugged my wrist away from his weakening grasp, sighing deeply as I realized he wasn't going to change his mind.

You could still leave...

"Is your pub unlocked?"

"The key's hidden under the rug in front of the back door," he grunted. I quickly sprang to my feet, sprinting to the door and shoving my hand under the rug in search for the cool metal. When my hands wrapped around it's jagged edge, I pulled it out and stuck into the keyhole.

Alcohol, fabric to use as a bandage, needle and thread, something sharp, something he could bite down on.

I listed all of the things I needed as I continued to search, grabbing the first bottle of vodka I saw and a fresh towel from the back to wrap around his wound. I also found a crude pair of scissors and some tweezers, and a mysteriously shaped toy with bite marks on it for him to bite down on. The only thing left was a needle and some thread, and I had no idea where to get that from. First aid kit?

I glanced around the room once more, catching a brief glimpse of red plastic hidden under papers and envelopes. I propped it open within seconds, and smiled as I saw the needle and thread.

I was back outside within seconds, dropping my supplies into the snow as I assessed his worsening wound. After taking the toy and slipping it into his mouth, I gave him a warning glare.

"This is going to hurt."

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