chapter 8

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Rye's pov

I wake up and see Andy fast asleep so I get up and get dressed, I see his mom standing there when I get downstairs "ah Ryan why are you here" I stand there awkwardly "mom calm down he is my boyfriend" She looks at me and then back at Andy "well we will talk about this later Andy" and she walks off. Andy and I sit down on the couch "I don't think she likes me" he frowns "me neither but I hope she will warm up" "yeah me too" we cuddle for a bit before I need to go home.

Andy's pov

Rye left and my mom walked into the living room and looks at me angrily "why would you want someone like that as your boyfriend" she spat at me. I look at her surprised "because he is amazing, sweet and handsome maybe" she crosses her arms "but why him if I where you I would get someone better" I was trembling with anger at this point. "yeah but you're not me are you so it isn't your choice so don't act like it is" "no if I where you I wouldn't be a nasty fag" I don't know if I'm angry or sad at this point but I just say "if that's such a problem for you I will just be gone" I grab some stuff I will need and go out and debate on who I should call I decide on Rye. Rye sounded so mad after I explained everything to him but he obviously was glad to take me in. Once he get here I get in the car "thanks for this babe" he smiles at me with some kind of look filled with pity but I just ignore it. "won't your parents mind if I stay with you for a while" "I don't think my mom would mind because she doesn't live with me and my brother" I look at him weirdly "my mom moved away with my two little brother a little while after I came out but my brother choose to stay with me so that's awesome, and she sends him money for the house and food so life is chill" I just nod and listen to the music on the radio;

he wants to dance around the room,

Kiss you until your lips turn blue,

But handsome stranger,

You have made him wonder... Is he pretty

I look at Rye while listing to him sing along and it does make me wonder does he think I'm pretty "Rye I have a question" "ask love" I fiddle with my thumbs "do you think I'm pretty" he says nothing for a while and parks his car. He turns to me and takes my hands in his. "You're the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I'm not only talking about looks, yes of course you have the most beautiful eyes and body but you're a kind hearted and sweet person. You don't judge people, and you never hurt people and you always want them to be happy. That's what I call true beauty babe and that you're my boyfriend is the best thing that has ever happened to me and the world" I have tears in my eyes by the time he is done talking, I hug him tightly "thank you so much rye I love you so much and you mean the world to me I can't believe you're my boyfriend and thank you for taking me in". After this emotional talk we go on with driving to his house.

I'm quite shocked when I walk into his house "Rye you never told me it was this big" he smirked "it's not the only big thing" before I could say something someone else does "and who is this?" I look up and see someone standing there "hey I'm Andy Rye's boyfriend" he shakes my hand "I'm Robbie Rye's brother" he turns to Rye "you know that Robbie hates it when he doesn't know about your boyfriends" Rye laughs and explains what has happened "so you take in a whole human but when I wanna take in a kitten you get mad?" "it was only the head of the kitten Robbie and I'm not even sure if it even was a kitten the only thing I know is that it smelled, and Andy doesn't smell and he's very sweet ohhhh can I just please keep him" Robbie and I laugh "yeah sure he can stay but you walk him" Rye nods and pulls me up to his room. "this is my room but now also your room" I look around and see a lot of windows and a very high bed "uhm babe will we be sleeping up there" "yes but don't worry you can take the side with the wall" I nod and place my bags on the ground and climb up the bed and lay down "I could get used to this" "me too having this amazingly beautiful guy in my bed is amazing". He climbs up the bed to and lays down next to me and places his head on my lap swinging his legs from the side of his bed, I look down at him and kiss him on his forehead. We sit here for a while and then Robbie shouts that dinner is ready, so we go down to eat and chat and after dinner we played some video games and then it was time to go to bed. "ryeeeeeeeee" he looks at me with a big smile "can I wear your shirt to sleep in" he takes it off and throws it at me but instead of catching it I'm staring at his chest "stop staring babe and got changed for bed" he smacks my bum softly and continues getting undressed and climbs in the bed but I couldn't stop staring. Eventually I get undressed as well and put the shirt on and smell it, he just smells so good. I lay down next to Rye and lay my head down on his chest after a good night kiss "sleep well babe" Rye rubs my back and then also says good night. "good night my beautiful love"

That's it for this chapter guys I hope you liked it because I did.


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