chapter 2

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That's me Renée not really important tho and I have a piercing on the other side of my nose. Enjoy this chapter!!!

Andy's pov

We both look up and see Jack and Brook standing there, okay where did brook come from he wasn't even in the bloody classroom. Brook walks in and grasp my arm and pulls me away out of the toilet. "What the frick did you think you where doing" okay how dare he to talk to me like that, "kissing Rye what did it look like and if that's such a problem I want to know why" Brook and jack look at each other they would be cute together "well it will take a while to explain so do you want to skip and come to my house" Jack says. I nod in agreement "oh sweet then I don't have detention" Jack and I laugh at that statement and start walking out of the school to jack's house.

Brooklyn's pov

The walk to Jack's house was rather short, he gives us some drinks and we sit down in his room. "okay explain please I'm rather confused" and I start talking

"Okay we used to be friends ever since we where little but in high school I told him I was gay and he outed me to the whole school and then started making horrible jokes and called me all kinda names. When I confronted him about this he said that I was a pussy and couldn't handle a joke and that is shouldn't haven told him if I didn't want him to tell the whole school. That day I ended our friendship and he was pushing me around and hitting me instead of making jokes or calling me names. I didn't dare to stand up at him anymore but that was until I met Renée who shoved Rye away when he was about to hit me. But the thing is we have seen him do this with more guys and then outing them or starting to call them names. And I know we have only known each other for like a few hours but I care about you and don't want something like that happening to you. "

Andy looks shocked but that's normal I guess.

Andy's pov

I don't really know what to say I mean I understand that they want to protect me but I don't think I will be able to stay away from him "will you guys be very angry if I want to find it out for myself" jack smiles at me "of course not and we will always help you'" I thank them.

I check to see a text from my mom that she won't be home tonight. "oh my mom will not come home tonight" I see Brook light up and look at Jack who nods "Sleepover! Let's invite Mikey and Renée as well so you can meet them" "sure but won't your parents mind jack?" he laughs "no they are visiting family in Ireland" "ah okay then of course" We get some mattresses and lay them down in Jack's room while Brook is texting Mikey and Renée.


Jack and Brook run down the stairs fighting over who can open the door, while I stay upstairs and wait. The door opens and I look up to see two new people standing there "oh yesss he's indeed very cute" the girl says and walks up to me and pulls me into a hug "hi I'm Renée and I may hope that the guy didn't say any bad stuff about me "no they where very nice about you" "good" she let's go of me and I can now see that she's a bit taller then I am, and she has shoulder length hair and a nose piercing. I look over to the guy standing there who is Mikey I assume, he gives me a quick hug and introduces himself. After that we sit down on the mattresses and I lay my head in Brooks lap, they start telling embarrassing stories about each other. After a while they have stopped telling the stories and we ordered pizza.

Time skip till after eating the pizza

(I don't wanna write that right now because I'm hungry)

"we should play truth or dare" Renée states and we all agree, so she starts. "Brook truth or dare" without thinking he says dare, Renée smiles "I dare you to sit in Jacks lap and not stop touching him for the rest of the evening" oh I see what she is doing that little shit. I look at Renée and she just winks at me "fine Jack get over here I'm to lazy to get up" Jack does so without asking. Brook pushes me up and sits down in jacks lap. "okay my turn Andy truth or dare" I say truth "why do you find Rye so hot" I blush and say "I don't know he's just very sexy and beautiful and have you seen his lip and muscles" "I approve but if he hurts you I will kill him this time and no but(t)s Brook you didn't let me kill him last time I will this time" we all laugh at Renée her statement. We went on for a while Renée and I made Jack and Brook kiss several times they where very confused but we knew what was going on, I just couldn't help but think that I wanted to do that with Rye. I have no idea what's wrong with me I have only met him today and I can't stop thinking about him and his lips.

So here I am with chapter two it's kinda short but it will get longer once I'm home from vacation and yes I use myself in my story because I will never meet them so I fantasize through here!! Have a good day and I hope you enjoyed it.


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