"Did you just call it a date?" Pidge smirked at him.

Matt looked embarrassed, "Yes, I did. Let me finish. I had basically spent the past week and a half thinking about him and that party; then thinking of that lunch at Cane's. After the movie, we were talking outside the theater. I don't know what came over me. A wave of courage I guess. I kissed him."

"Oh my god!" Pidge squeezed her pillow, "Lance told me you figured out your sexual orientation but I was not expecting that."

Matt nodded, "Yeah. Anyway, he kissed me back. After I pulled away he looked confused. I had told him I was straight before. I told him the real reason I felt so awkward around him at work. Not because I regretted what happened at the party, but because I didn't regret it. I told him how confused I had been and how I had been thinking about him non-stop. About texting Lance to try to work through everything I was feeling. I told him I figured out that I'm gay. He just smiled before saying 'was my dick so good it turned you?' We laughed at that for a minute before I told him that I really did like him for real. It took talking to him at Cane's that day to figure it out. He kissed me again after I said that. And then he sorta asked me to be his boyfriend, and I said yes. Trinity isn't that far away, we'll still be able to see each other easily during the summer. And we were thinking if things go well that instead of going back to the dorms when school starts back up, maybe I can move in with him. He's graduated already, he got an associate's so he only went for two years. But he still has an apartment not that far away from the school."

Pidge hit him with her pillow again, "This happened on Wednesday and you're just telling me now! You asshole."

Matt laughed, "Well, you're all caught up now."

"I can't believe you have a boyfriend. I knew you were gay, saw that coming a mile away. That's why I always teased you about it."

Matt smiled with a blush, "I can't believe it either. It all happened so fast."

Pidge leaned back next to him, "Maybe too fast?"

"No," Matt shook his head, "I don't regret anything. I'm just still processing it, that's all."

"How old is he anyway? If he's already graduated he has to be at least twenty."

Matt nodded, "He's twenty-two. Just three years older than me. It doesn't affect things at all. At least it hasn't yet."

Pidge smiled and held his hand, "I'm so happy for you."

"So, speaking of asshole siblings who don't tell each other stuff until after it happens. Lance told me you and Hunk split on Monday."

Pidge sighed and sat up again, "Yeah, I broke up with him."

"Why?" Matt sat up so he could look at her better.

"Honestly, things between me and him have been... different. The sex topic has come up a few times and it made me really uncomfortable. Lance thinks I might be asexual. I don't know, maybe I am. The idea of sex just isn't appealing to me."

Matt frowned, "Well, even if you don't want to have sex with him. That doesn't mean you guys had to break up."

Pidge shrugged, "I just think I'm better off single until I figure things out. Besides, he's leaving for college in two months and he's going much further away than you."

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