Just now, Qin Yu's mental control and spiritual energy both improved by one step in only a moment, which simply cannot happen to the other Xiuzhenists. The cause of all of this is one blazing blue air current from the Meteoric Tear.

"The Meteoric Tear, what is it exactly?" Qin Yu becomes even more curious about the Meteoric Tear, which fused with his body.

He also tries sending his spiritual energy out. The moment he sends it out, he discovers that a middle Yuanying-stage expert is rushing above him in his direction and, worse still, that expert is even searching using his holy sense.

However, when that holy sense sweeps across Qin Yu, it detects nothing. Moreover, when his holy sense expands, the expert does not feel anything happening whatsoever.

Their holy senses are on 2 different levels. That middle Yuanying-stage Xiuyaoist's holy sense is slightly weaker than Qin Yu's holy sense so it cannot detect his. Qin Yu simply does not know the principle of this. It is really somewhat mysterious.

He only knows the outcome, that is, a holy sense can detect a weaker one but cannot detect a stronger one.

After a while, Qin Yu's whole body shoots out through the coral reef from under it like lightning. His current condition is the best he has ever been in. The bad effects of using the Meteor Escaping Art have all been removed. Moreover, he has also learned the Soul Examination technique.

"Xiao Hei is in the northeast and even not very far from here." Closing his eyes, he can feel Xiao Hei's existence clearly.

A special telepathy developed between Xiao Hei and Qin Yu when they were still little, allowing them to feel each other's existence.

Qin Yu slightly narrows his eyes and immediately considers his situation: "By now Sang Mo has already offered a reward because of his son's death. Plus, these underwater Xiuyaoists seem to be able to tell that I'm not a Xiuyaoist with ease, including even the demonic beasts weaker than me!"

He recalls how, when he and Xiao Hei had just dived down the deep parts of the ocean, those weak demonic beasts ran away very fast.

"Those Xiuyaoists can recognize me. Added to this the reward offer, and it's hard for me to take a step in this underwater world. Plus, I know nothing whatsoever about this world of Xiuyaoists. Now the most important thing to do is to sneakily kill a Xiuyaoist and use the Soul Examination to know the situation of this underwater world's Xiuyaoists clearly."

Qin Yu knows very well that in an unfamiliar environment he has to be extra careful.

He then sends his holy sense out, very confident about it. Not even a middle Yuanying-stage expert was able to detect him so it is easy to imagine how formidable his holy sense is.

Like a beam of light, Qin Yu flashes south directly.

However, soon afterwards, he detects 8 Xiuyaoists not far from him. In an instant, he stops using stellar energy and suppresses his aura. But he has no worries about using his holy sense at all because, after all, these 8 Xiuyaoists are only at the Jindan stage.

"Big brother Sang Tan, this time Patriarch is about to go insane already. He ordered us to search nonstop without allowing us to take a rest." A Xiuyaoist says.

These 8 Xiuyaoists are none other than members of the Sang octopus clan. These 8 members have joined forces and been doing their job together. In fact, they have been doing this because of their laziness. After all, if each of them went to a different area, their overall searching speed would be much faster.

"Damn it! Where'd this Xiuxianist sod off to? There's not a Xiuxian island within 100,000 li of this place, we've been searching for so long, Patriarch has also offered a reward, and almost every 100 li is being searched by someone but unexpectedly not even a bloody shadow has been seen." Sang Tan says angrily too.

[Book 1-11] Stellar TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now