Book 5 Chapter 7

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B5C7: Soul Examination

At the moment Qin Yu does not know that a middle Yuanying-stage Xiuyaoist is about to search his area. His entire attention is being focused on what is happening inside his head.

That burning hot blue heat current rushes into the area of his spiritual energy in an unstoppable manner.

Water is variable in shape and spiritual energy, which is immaterial, is also the same. Despite being disarranged, Qin Yu's spiritual energy will calm down as time passes. Of course it will need quite some time to completely calm down.

In his head,

As opposed to the huge mass of spiritual energy, in its center -- that disc, which is continuously sending out various serpentine electric sparks, is the real core of a person, the soul! The relationship between the soul and spiritual energy is just like that between the sun and sunlight.

Only the soul is the very essence of a person. At Qin Yu's current level, he only has some understanding of spiritual energy while knowing nothing about the soul, the real fundamental thing in him.

The soul is a forbidden domain that Xiuzhenists cannot touch.

"What is exactly the blazing blue heat current the Meteoric Tear sent out?" Qin Yu focuses his entire attention on that blue air current, which has appeared all of a sudden. That blazing blue air current goes through the spiritual energy without being obstructed in the least, heading straight for the soul.

The area of the spiritual energy is like a violent ocean. In the center of this violent ocean of spiritual energy, there is an islet-like disc, which is none other than the soul!

When the blue air current flows to the islet-like disc, that is, the soul, it is immediately absorbed. At the same time, the seven-colored light of the soul, which keeps sending out sinuous electric sparks, suddenly becomes chaotic. The blue light immediately intensifies, but in a short while, it goes back to its state moments ago.

At this moment, the huge mass of spiritual energy around the soul flashes with a blue light. All of the spiritual energy seems to have undergone a transformation, while an extremely great change has also occurred in Qin Yu himself.

"What a wonderful feeling."

Qin Yu suddenly opens his eyes, which glitter. Mental control! Now Qin Yu's mental control is much stronger than it was in the past. It has many uses, for example, to control the movement of the elemental energy inside his body.

The stronger the mental control is, the more his elemental energy follows his direction, and the more finely he can control his energy when attacking.

"But the spiritual energy seems to have become harder to control." When Qin Yu tries controlling his spiritual energy again, he discovers that it has transformed. Previously it was like an untrained scholar, but now it is like a strong muscular man. An indescribable change has happened to it. At the same time, it has also become much more difficult to control.

Even though Qin Yu's mental control has suddenly improved, he unexpectedly can only control 10% of his spiritual energy as before.

His control has increased and his soul has also transformed, but controlling 10% of his spiritual energy is still his limit. It is 10% just like before -- what does this mean? Qin Yu is doubtful but he simply cannot understand because theoretically neither spiritual energy nor the soul itself can suddenly improve.

A practitioner has to try using his mental control many times over to improve it, and even then it improves extremely slowly. As for his spiritual energy, it also gradually improves thanks to the transformations that happen to his soul as his power increases.

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