Chapter Twenty-one

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Eve's POV

I stood in front of my mirror; once again looking at the outfit I choose for the day. Is this appropriate? I mean it's just a basketball game but I've never been to one before. What do people wear to those? Just when I wanted to change my shirt for the seventh time I heard the doorbell ring. I jogged down the stairs deciding to just wear the black skinnies and blue shirt that I had on. I opened the door just to see a smiling Jenna on the other side. She pushed me back into my room telling me that I can't leave like this. Something about having to wear the colors of the team. Back in my room Jenna pulled a red and gold basketball shirt out of her bag. "Just wear this. Ada gave it to me at her last game. It's her old shirt." She threw the Jersey into my face. "Isn't this going to be way too big for me?" "Who cares? Just put it on, we really have to go now." I sighed and do as told before we left for the game.

Watching Ada play basketball was fascinating, she's everywhere, running over the court, throwing and dribbling the ball. She dominates the whole court and all the guys don't have a single chance against her. When the game was done Jenna and I walked down the bleachers to congratulate Ada for the win, but a man beat us to her. The talked for a few minutes and you could see Adas smile get bigger by the second. They shook hands before the man left and Ada ran toward us, jumping up and down in front of us. "I just got accepted to UCLA." She hugged me and I congratulated her. "Hey! What about me? Don't I get a hug?" Jenna pouted next to me. Ada let go of me and hugged Jenna before turning back to us. "So... Who's celebrating with me?" "Eve here has a lot of time. I have something to do. So, have fun." Jenna shoved me closer to Ada before running to the gym doors. You could see Ally's hair disappearing behind the door that Jenna is running to. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." "Of course, I want to celebrate with you." I said turning back to her. "This is what you have dreamed of for so long. We have to celebrate it." She smiled back at me. "I'll go take a shower if that's okay?" "Yes please, you stink." She laughed, hugging me again to rub off her smell on me. "Iiihh." I screamed, even though I don't really mind. "Wait here, I'll be back in 10." I sat back down and played with my phone until Ada came back. She changed clothes and was now wearing black skinny Jeans and an oversized hoody with the bring me the horizon logo on it. Her hair was still wet from the shower. "By the way, have I told you that you absolutely rock my Jersey?" I blushed. "Thanks, I try my best to show my support for you. By the way, you were absolutely amazing." "Thank you. So, does this mean you'll come to more of my games?" "Sure, but only if you come to the dance assemble at the end of the year." "Of course. I'll make sure to be in the front row." She put her arm around my shoulders and let me out of the gym towards her car. "So where are we going to celebrate?" "I thought we could go to a diner and eat something. I'm starving." I smiled up at her. "Sounds nice." She sang along to the songs in the car while driving and her singing voice wasn't really the best but she made the songs sound good in a weird way. We parked in front of Joe's diner and got out of the car. Ada took my hand while walking to the door. She opened the door for me and we were greeted by a small Asian waitress. "Hello, welcome to Joe's diner, table for two?" "Yes. Please." She let us to a booth in the corner and gave us the menu. "I'll be back in a bit to take your orders." She skipped away to the next table. We looked through the menu in silence and I quickly found something so I just starred at Ada. "See something you like?" She asked, still looking down. "Yeah," I answered. "Then, what do you want to order?" "The special cheese burger with a side of... maybe you?" "I don't think I'm on the menu." She smiled up at me. "Oh, I thought there was something called 'hot lady' but I must have read wrong." "So, you think I'm hot?" She raised her eyebrows at me. "Maybe...but what are you ordering?" "I thought maybe the bacon cheese burger and I thought we could share that 1,5-l homemade lemonade?" "Yeah sounds great." The waitress came back and we ordered our food. When she left the table again we got back to talking. "Well congrats again for being accepted to UCLA." "Thanks. I'm so glad that I'm good enough for their team. It's been my dream to go there. I mean sure it's not the best or the most expensive, but it's close and I've always liked the idea of going there since my parents aren't rich. Sure, Sarah told me she'd pay for my school, but I don't want her to spend too much money on me." "I totally understand you. I mean sure, my parents are rich, but they aren't really willing to spend too much money on me for that. If I studied some business-related stuff they'd pay for every university, even some elite uni. I'll see, I mean it's sad that I probably can't go to Julliard but other schools are good as well." She smiled at me. "Maybe you'll end up at UCLA. It would be cool, then I would already have a friend there." "What about Jenna?" "Hasn't she told you? Jenna's got accepted into Julliard. She'll move to New York soon." "Oh, no, she hasn't told me yet. But I'm happy for her, she'll do great there." "Maybe you'll get accepted as well and then you two can share an apartment." "Pretty sure, Ally's gonna follow us in a year and then I'd have to live with the dream couple." We laughed for a bit. "Well not if Ally keeps up her shitty behavior." "Well, Jenna's probably forcing her to talk to her right now." "What would I give to see that." We laughed again, and then ate our food with light conversation in between.

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