Chapter eightteen

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Ada's POV

When we came back from our trip to Seattle and school started again I tried talking to Eve. I tried explaining everything. Well at least I wanted to ask her if we could start over. With me being honest about myself. But Eve never gave me a chance. For the last month, she's been avoiding me. Instead she hung out with Ashley, a girl from her dance class. Ashley was a tanned girl and her long bleached blonde hair framed her face perfectly. They sat at a table with two boys Tyler and Josh, I think. They seemed to have fun. It looked like Eve didn't care about me anymore. She talked to Jenna once. When Jenna apologized for not telling her but also defending herself that she doesn't like to tell other peoples stories. Eve accepted her apology but told her that she needed some space. And that's been it, every time I tried to talk to her she'd walk away. Just like right now. I'm chasing her through the hallways. "Eve, please? Just let me apologize and maybe even explain myself?" "No, you lied to me without any valid reason. So just leave me alone." She said without even stopping or turning around. "You don't even know why I did it. How do you want to know what my reason was?" "Let me guess, you thought I'm straight and that you'd have a greater chance to fuck me, but surprise I only fuck girls who don't lie to me." "Wait, then why did you fuck Isabel?" I said without even realising. Why the fuck did I say that? I'm so fucking stupid. She came towards me and slapped me in the face before she walked away. I held my burning cheek and hit my head against the next locker. "I" bang "am" bang "so" another bang "stupid" and another bang. Well at least I can't feel the pain in my cheek anymore. "Damn Ada, that was so stupid. Why did you have to say that?" Jenna stood behind me. "Thanks Sherlock. I guess I tend to use extremely bitter sarcasm when I get upset." "That wasn't just sarcastic that was hurtful Ada. You wanted to talk to her and explain stuff, not push her away even further." "I know." I laid my head against the locker. "Well now it will be even harder to get her to listen to you." "I know." I groaned. "Can we stop talking about me for just a minute?" "Sure, what do you want to talk about?" We walked towards the cafeteria. "When will you finally ask Ally on a date?" Jenna blushed looking down at the floor for a bit while I smirked down at her. Then she looked at her watch. "Oh see, we didn't talk about you for a minute. So how are you planning to get Eve to talk to you again?" I groaned "I hate you." I said when she started laughing. "You are so not funny." "I know I'm hilarious." We sat down at our lunch table while I starred at Eve who was talking to Ashley and she looked really...upset. But then Ashley said something and she laughed hitting her shoulder while Ashley just smirked. I fucking hate Ashley. That should be me. Making her laugh and casually touching her. It should be me not this fake bitch. "Ada, you're killing your Burger." I looked down at the 'crumbled' burger in my nearly clenched fist. "What is up with you Ada?" Ally asked concern written over her face. I couldn't answer her, because Ashley was putting her hand on Eve's shoulder. Jenna turned around following my gaze. "Oh. Little Ada is jealous." Ally turned around and looked at Ashley. "Pff. Because of Ashley? She has a boyfriend. College guy. I swear those two love each other. Ashley wouldn't risk that." I had to admit what Ally said calmed me down a bit but not really. Maybe Ashley is stupid enough to risk her perfect relationship. Or what if their relationship wasn't that perfect after all? Does Ashley even play for our team? My gaze wandered from Ashley to Eve and my stupid love-struck mind just admired her beauty. I couldn't stop looking at her. I hoped that she'd give me a chance to explain myself. Maybe she'd have done that, if I hadn't been such an idiot. I was basically calling her a lying whore and daring her to fuck me, even though that's the last thing I want right now. I want her to forgive me, to let me be her friend again, to be a part of her life, not just on the side-lines looking into it like a creeper. I want to show her the real me. I want to show her that I was a huge asshole and that I regret it. But how could I do that? "Ada you're staring at her, again." Jenna sighed. "Go and fucking talk to her, without being a complete asshole." "I can't, I've done enough to her. I'm not gonna try again, I already fucked up enough." "You can't just fucking give up now." "What the fuck should I do, Ally, huh? She obviously doesn't want to talk to me. She said it to my fucking face more than once. And it's my fucking fault. I never should have lied to her. I fucked up and I'll never be able to make that up to her." Ally shrugged her shoulders. "I don' fucking care what the fuck you are going to fucking do, but you fucking need to get her to fucking forgive you for fucks sake." "Can you both fucking stop to say fuck in like every fucking sentence?" We both looked at Jenna. "No." "So how the fuck am I going to get her to accept my apology?" She shrugged again. "Write her a letter, a song, whatever. Take her on a fucking cheesy date. I don't fucking care, just do something other than starring at her and sulking." Ally got so frustrated with me. "Thanks for the help, but I doubt she'd go on a date with me." I looked down at the table. "Then we have to set her up." Jenna said, which got me to look back up. "We have to set up a date for you two, and I have to talk Eve into going out to eat something with me." "That'll never work. She'll leave as soon as she sees me and realize that it's a set up. And then she'll hate you too." "Then we'll tell Eve that she should go out with me and Ally and when she sees you sitting at the table as well, Ally says that you had to drive her because she twisted her foot." I raised my eyebrows at her. "And you guys think that'll work?" "Yep, and when we think you guys need to spend some alone time I'll just say that I feel sick and ask Jenna to take me home." Ally beamed. I shook my head. "Okay," I sighed, "but give her some time to calm down. I really fucked up today." They shrugged. "Sure, we'll give her a week." Jenna looked at Ally. "Seriously? I wanted to get these two together before Valentine's day." Jenna pouted. "They'd still have more than a week till that after the 'date'. If Ada gets her ass up she can still get her before that." Ally argued. "But Ada never gets her ass up. She's so slow I'm starting to ask myself how she could fuck all those girls." "Well maybe this time she'll fucking get her ass up." Ally glared at me when the bell rang, and we all went back to our next class.

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