Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Isabel's POV

I parked my car in front of the mall and got out while walking to the door I spotted the beautiful red-haired girl that pretty much stole my heart. Yet, I'm still refusing to give it to her. One reason is my mental lability that I could never know when I would lose control or why. I needed to fix myself before I could be with anyone. I can't be with you until I'm alright, and I'm not alright. The other reason is that people would never accept a relationship between us. I'm nearly five years older and with her being just fourteen that would make it illegal. But we could be friends. "Hey." I smiled at her and gave her a short hug. "Hi." We walked around the mall for a while, shopping for new clothes, mostly winter clothes for her since it'd be cold in Seattle. We talked about everything and nothing. "Hey, I'm getting hungry." She said when we came out of forever 21. I was carrying her multiple bags from different shops and we headed towards the food court. "So, what do you wanna eat?" "I don't know. I kinda don't like anything that they have here." She looked around not really finding anything she liked, but I got an idea so I took her hand and lead her out of the mall and to my car. "Where are we going?" "Getting something to eat." I said with a duh tone. "But what?" "You'll see." I drove to the little restaurant that I found while walking around one day. 'Luigi's'' was a small pasta place and they had the best pasta I ever tasted. I led Charley into the small room and sat her down at an empty table. A waiter brought us the menu which was literally a list with different pastas on one side and the sauces on the other side. So, you could choose whatever you wanted if you wanted a mix that wasn't on the card just ask and Luigi would create something. "Good afternoon, ladies. My name is Mario, no this is not a joke, what can I serve you today." Even after coming here nearly once a week I still couldn't pronounce the Italian pasta names so I just pointed at the card. I choose random, so that it'd always be a surprise. "I'll just take spaghetti with I don't know do you guys have some cheese sauce? Like the one on Mac' n Cheese?" "Yes, we have that. I'll be right back with your orders." He left our table and Charley just stared at me for a while. "How was your appointment with that Dr. Clark?" She asked the only question I didn't want to answer her. But I had to. "Good, I think." She groaned at my vague answer. "Details." "It was okay. We talked for a while, I told her a bit about myself and my problems, she told me some thinks about herself and her centre. At the end, we agreed that it'd be a good idea if I would move into her clinic as soon as possible so that we can work on my problems." She nodded slowly. "So, do you know when...?" I took a deep breath. "Next week. I'll go to school for one day and Dr. Clark will talk to the principal and my teachers. I'll probably still be able to graduate this year." She looked down. "That's good." She chocked out. I know that that wasn't what she thought. I know I was cutting our time short by starting therapy right away, but I had to do it. I didn't want to live with these thoughts any longer. "I'm sorry Char..." "No, don't be. This is good for you. I'm just sad that I can't spend more time with you." She interrupted me before she sadly smiled up at me. "Let's just enjoy the little time we have left." Our food arrived and we started eating and talking again. We finished our meal we decided to head to her house and watch a movie on Netflix. When we arrived at her home nobody was there which was kind of good but also kind of scary, to be alone with Charley. "Where is everyone?" I looked around. "Sarah and Sam both have an appointment. Alex is with Jack. A and Ruby are out somewhere and Ally is over at some friend's house." "Oh okay." We sat down on the couch and started the movie.

Ada's POV

"Ha, you are so bad at arcade games, daddy!" The little girl jumped around me excitedly with all the tickets she won. Actually, I wasn't bad I just let her win nearly every time. Ruby got her oversized stuffed animal and we headed out to my car. "Can we go to Mac Donald's Ada?" She asked while putting on her seatbelt. "Really? Princesses don't have to eat fast food." "But I want to have a cheeseburger." She pouted. "How about we go grocery shopping and I show you how to make your own cheeseburger?" I didn't want my little girl to eat that filthy fast food. "Oh yeah!" She yelled out excitedly, so we went grocery shopping where I pushed her around in the cart. Then we finally headed home. It was surprisingly quiet since it was already the early evening and everyone should be back by now. We all needed to pack our stuff in the big VW bus Sarah bought for us to drive up to her parents in Seattle for New Year's. When we walked further into the house we could hear the TV playing in the living room, so I went over there to see who was there. To my surprise I found Charley and Isabel sleeping on the couch all cuddled up to each other while 'The fault in our stars' played in the background. I did not expect that. I stared down at them for a second before I shook my head and followed Ruby to the kitchen. "So, Princess you ready to make cheeseburgers?" She nodded eagerly and I sat her up on the counter showing her how to make the patties for the burger, and when to put the cheese on it so that it would melt perfectly. We made small burgers so that they'd still fit into her small hands. When we finished the last burger, Ally came into the Kitchen followed by Sam and Sarah. "Where are Charley and Alex?" Sarah asked, grabbing a burger from the plate. "Charley is sleeping on the couch and Alex is probably over at Jacks house." We all grabbed a burger when Charley walked in rubbing her sleepy eyes. "You guys are back?" "Oh, you're awake? How was your nap?" I asked her with a smirk. "Good, I guess." She blushed. "Hey Charley. I should probably go now." Isabel stuck her head into the room. "No, please stay for dinner." Charley begged her but Isabel just gave her a small smile. "I can't, I told Eve I'd only go to the mall, and I have to make her some dinner." Charley hugged Isabel and it seemed like they were saying goodbye for a long time. Isabel whispered something in her ear before they let go and Isabel left.

Eve's POV

I've been sitting at home, alone, for the whole day. Every thought somehow involved 'Adam'. It all varied from 'I hate them, why did they lie to me? I'll never forgive them' to 'just forgive them and go find out their real name then ask them to go on a date with you.' I was so confused. And being alone here with nothing to do didn't help at all. I had so much time to think about.... "Hey Eve, I'm back, sorry it took so long." "Na, it's okay. How was your day?" "Good, I guess." She fell on the bed next to me. "What's wrong?" I looked at her lying next to me starring at the ceiling. "It's just, saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I thought about just saying 'fuck everything' and take her in my arms and never let go. Why did I fall for someone where goodbyes come with the sun?" I hit her arm laughing. "Stop trying to be a poetic little shit by using song lyrics to describe your relationships." "Sorry, I listened to that song a little too much..." She giggled a bit. "Anyway, I'll go cook dinner now, any special wishes?" "Na, I'll be fine with anything." She disappeared leaving me alone in my room to think about my shitty life. Thinking about it even more led to an emotional breakdown so that Isabel found me crying in my pillow. She pulled me into her arms and I sobbed into her shirt while she whispered some things into my ear. "Okay Eve, tell me what got you so... emotional?" She said when I calmed down a bit. "Adam." I just said. "And what did Adam do?" "He lied to me." I said getting angry again. "Okay he lied, but about what?" "About himself." With every bit I said, Isabel got more confused than before. "Eve just tell me what happened." She groaned. "Okay so Adam made me fall for him just to let me find out that he is actually not Adam." "Who is he then? Axel? Andy? Adolf?" I laughed at her dumb joke. "Nope, Adam is actually a girl, that bastard tricked us the whole time." I said angrily. "What if they're trans like Alex?" Isabel got me to think. "Oh, I...I never thought about that. But that doesn't change anything. He lied to me. They could have told me. Also remember the truth or dare game? He refused to answer the question if he ever lied to someone It's so obvious he didn't want to tell me that he lied to me." "Ugh Eve, just go and talk to them. Let them explain..." "No." I said stubbornly. Isabel groaned frustrated. "Well, come on downstairs, we have some self-made pizza waiting for us." 

It's Ada(m) and Eve, not Adam and SteveWhere stories live. Discover now