Chapter 1

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New York 12:50 am.

"So how's the kids?" one of the guards asked to the other.

"They're alright. How's yours?"

"Same as usual."

"Still rowdy as ever huh?"


"That's kids for ya."

The guard's conversation ends when they hear a crash coming from inside the door they're guarding.

"What the heck was that?"

"Sounds like somebody broke in. Let's get in there."

The two guards walk into the darkened area with their guns pointed towards wherever the crash came from.

"You take a look downstairs. I'll take a look upstairs. Got it?" the first guard ordered, but got no answer "Hey. Did ya hear what I..."

When the guard turned around he saw the other guard had mysteriously disappeared.

"What the he..."

The one guard left took a couple steps back and felt something hard block his path. He slowly turned around and looked up to see a huge armored man standing in front of him.

"AHHH!!!" the guard screamed, shooting at the giant staring down at him.

All the bullets fired fell to the floor. The armor the large man was wearing wasn't even phased.

"Ya really shouldn't be playin' with guns." the large man said, getting closer to the helpless guard.

"J-Just stay away from me!" the guard screamed just before being pulled back into the dark by his ankles "AHHHH!!!"

"Someone could get hurt." the armored man finished as a green fellow with a long tongue jumped out of the dark "Did ya have to lasso him before I could give my lecture?"

"Sorry Juggy, but ya know how much I love pullin' helpless people into shadowy areas with my tongue." answered Toad.

"Yeah, well if ya do it again next time I might just..."

"Calm yourself Juggernaut." said a voice coming from behind the large armored man known as Juggernaut.

"Mystique." smiled Juggernaut, crossing his arms "Ya get the thing the boss told us to get?"

"I have it right here." Mystique shows Juggernaut and Toad a canister filled with slimy, glowing ooze inside.

"The boss'll be pleased, heh heh." laughed Toad, swishing his tongue around.

"Be careful imbecile." Mystique ordered "Don't get your slimy tongue all over it, we don't even know what it does."

"Aw c'mon!" cried Toad "Couldn't I just test it?!? Y'know, to see if it works or not!"

"No Toad!" yelled Juggernaut "Now get your freakin' tongue in your mouth before I rip it outta ya!"

"Fine." pouts Toad slurping his tongue through his lips.

"Come on." started Mystique "Let's get out of here before those worthless guards wake up."

In another part of New York a shadowy figure watches a crime scene from one of the rooftops. The criminals flee and run into an alleyway.

"One... two... three... four." the figure snarls "This should be fun."

The shadowy figure jumps from the roof and onto the fire escape, startling the ninjas he's been watching.

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