Chapter 4

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Outside of Channel 6 News 2:35 am

     High atop a nearby building near the Channel 6 News building Leonardo, Donatello, Nightcrawler and Wolverine stood. Donatello, with help from his high tech equipment, had found a way to hack into the security systems to see what was going on.

"So what's the situation?" asked an impatient Wolverine.

"I see your two mutants terrorizing folks in the lobby. I see Foot soldiers on almost every floor. Last but not least I see Bebop scouting the main upper floor, looks like he's yelling Thompson about something. I just can't make out what it is though."

"Then we better get down there before something happens." said Leonardo "Nightcrawler, Donatello, see if you can't take out the two Foot soldiers guarding the main entrance. Wolverine, you an..."

"I have a better idea bub." huffed Wolverine, jumping off the roof and onto the street below.

     As Wolverine approached the building the two Foot soldiers began shooting. Wolverine stood still, letting the bullets go right through him. When the Foot soldiers noticed their weapons weren't phasing their target they began to run away, but not before Wolverine could get his hands on them.

"Wolverine, stop!" shouted Leonardo, running towards Wolverine after he had beaten the guards "We could have avoided the violence if we went with my plan."

"Well I liked mine better." said Wolverine walking into the Channel 6 building.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to it." said Nightcrawler, passing Leonardo and walking into the building followed by Donatello.

"I wonder if that imbecile warthog found it yet." said Pyro, looking at the security cameras on the front desk in the lobby.

"Uh, Pyro, I think we've got company." said Toad, seeing the Turtles and the X-Men walking into the building.

"Well well well..." laughed Pyro "If it ain't my favorite X-Men. And you two must be the shell heads Shredder told us about."

"You're not allowed be here." said Leonardo "We're going to have to ask you to leave."

"Yeah, that so?" laughed Pyro "Y'know you sound like just like that goody two shoes, Cyclops. Toad. Let's give these chumps a whomping."

"Yeah yeah!" seethed an excited Toad, ready for a battle.

     Pyro leaped over the desk and began tossing flames in the gang's direction. Leo, Wolverine and Donatello jumped out of the way while Nightcrawler teleported next to Toad who was hanging on the ceiling.

"Honey..." said Nightcrawler, getting the attention of Toad "I'm home."

"Rrrrrrgghh!!!" growled Toad, just before getting kicked in the jaw by Nightcrawler and falling back down on the desk.

"Eh, I don't need help taking you down." said Pyro blasting fire in every direction, causing the heroes to take cover behind a steel coffee table.

"How do we stop him?" asked Leo.

"See that thing on his back?" said Wolverine, pointing to the red contraption on Pyro's back "If cut those cords connecting to his hands and put out this fire we could get a clear shot at him."

"I'll try to turn the sprinkler system back on." said Donatello, heading to the front desk, dodging the fire.

"Come on out!" shouted Pyro "Come on or I'll burn this whole place to the ground."

     Unbeknownst to Pyro though, Leonardo was already out of hiding, sneaking up behind him with his katana in hand. But before Leo could strike Pyro turned around, setting fire to his blade.

"Damn!" shouted Leo dropping his katana.

"Nice try you green freak." laughed Pyro "But now it's time I make a turtle fricasee."

     Before Pyro could Leonardo Wolverine jumped out from behind the table, cutting the cord connected to Pyro's left hand.

"Damn it!" groaned Pyro "I still got one more."

     Desperately, Pyro began throwing balls of fire at Leonardo and Wolverine. The two dodged going in two different directions. Leonardo approached Pyro's left and Wolverine leaped towards Pyro from the right, but Pyro quickly shot the two back away from him. Behind Pyro Donatello readied his bow staff.

"No you don't." said Toad, who had finally woken up from being knocked out and taking Donnie's staff.

     Fortunately for Donatello, Toad had accidentally tossed the staff to Nightcrawler, who used it to whack Toad in the jaw again.

"You freakin turtles are making me sick." growled Pyro, as the sprinklers came on and the heroes surrounded him.

"Ow." moaned Toad, holding to his jaw.

"Come on Toad, let's get to the elevator." commanded Pyro running to the elevator in the back of the hall, with Toad following behind.

     Leonardo, Donatello, Wolverine and Nightcrawler ran after the two, but got blocked by a wall of fire coming from Pyro's right flamethrower.

"Look what I found." said Nightcrawler, popping in and out with a fire extinguisher.

     After putting out the flames the four ran to the elevator, but the elevator doors closed before they could reach it.

"Crap." said Donatello.

"Guess we're taking the stairs." said Wolverine, heading for the door leading to the stairwell.

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