After my new classic music class, I headed to my creative writing class. Thanks to my stupidity I had a new teacher since I had to switch my classes around. More like Sarah switched my classes around and gave me my new schedule with the nice words to better not fuck it up or it'll stay this way till I graduate. Sometimes I hate it that she's the principal. If she were just a normal mother I'd be grounded now. But both, Sarah and I, knew that that wouldn't change anything. I sit down at my usual chair in the back corner. "Hey Kid, That's my chair." I looked up at a small boy, glasses and boring brown hair. He looked like a nerd but didn't sound like one. Well and that small would be tall, it's just that I'm not quite small. He's probably an Inch or two smaller than me. "Not anymore." I said looking back out the window. "Hey Mark, you can sit with me if you want?" A guy with Irish accent shouted over the room. The boy, Mark, walked over to him and sat down not looking at the other boy a second time. I could tell that the Irish boy had a crush on him. "Knight. I see you already found your new class." "It wasn't that hard sir." I looked at the young teacher, raising my eyebrow. "Adam, right?" He asked unsure, which caused me to chuckle. "Sometimes." It's hard to explain this and I prefer to not explain it at all. It's kind of funny when people are unsure of your gender of how they act different around you depending on whether they think you are a boy or a girl. So now the teacher was even more confused. I grinned. "Look Mr.... Mason, right?" He nodded. "I don't care what you think I am, I won't tell you, I won't correct you. Just call me whatever you want to call me, with one exception. Never call me Lopez or I swear I'll make your class hell." Mr. Mason looked quite shocked. "I'll just call you Knight. All right class, let's start." The only good thing this class change had is that I now don't have to finish that essay about my so called worst day. I had a lot of worst days. But nearly killing myself probably would be on top of that list. I think writing about that day wouldn't be appropriate. Not in the way my teacher wanted me to do it. She wanted me to put every detail, every feeling into it, I should make her feel what I felt. Make her think my thoughts are her thoughts. I liked my creative writing teacher, but I couldn't do that. If I would have done an only half good job at that it would have been enough for a not so weak person to... I don't have to think about that. I never wrote that essay and I never have to write it. "Good, so your homework for tomorrow is to write something, and I mean anything, it can be a poem, a short story, whatever you want, about..." He thought for a moment, or maybe he wanted to make it more dramatic. "Love" He finished. The whole class groaned in frustration. No one liked writing about love. It's the deepest and most fucked up feeling humanly possible. It twists, it turns, sometimes it bends, it changes its appearance, its effects on people, it changes people, relationships, it is powerful, it can be the best or the worst, it can make your heart beat fast and faster than you ever thought possible, or it can break your heart, make you feel sad, depressed or just numb. We make the biggest mistakes in our lives because of love, but we also make the best choices in our lives because of love. It can end our life but without love our life is already over, before it even started. We need love in our life, if it's just friendly, or romantically. I once tried living my life without love, those where the worst days of my life. You can try and suppress the feelings you have for someone, but they won't go away. No matter what you do, your heart feels whatever it wants to feel. Nobody can control love, it controls you and there is nothing you can do against it. It's an unstoppable force, and even if there's an unmoveable wall in its way, there will be a time when that wall has to move, because if it doesn't it wouldn't be an unstoppable force meaning what you felt in the first place wasn't really love.
"Knight." The teachers' voice interrupted my thoughts. "Class is over, you can go now." I looked around seeing an empty classroom. "Sorry, I got carried away." "Good, write down those thoughts, they must have been good if they carried you this far away. I've been calling you for five minutes." I shook my head. "The really weren't that good. Just some random thoughts stumbling over each other." "Write them down anyway, maybe they'll lead to something, or they'll help you figure something out. No thought is worthless." I nodded and walked out of the classroom.

Eve's POV

We all stood next to Adam's car, waiting for him. "God, He's the worstbrother ever, can't even be on time once." Ally groaned, school has been overfor nearly ten minutes now and the parking lot got emptier every minute. "Nopethat's me, Adam can't be worse than me." A boy bumped her shoulder, baggyclothes covered his slender figure, his bangs hanging down covering his eyes."You know now that I think about it...." A guy came up behind the boy wrappinghis arm around his waist. "Are you bothering the beautiful young Lady?" "Jackshut up." Ally snarled, a pissed off expression on her face. "What did I dowrong this time, babe?" Ally rolled her eyes. "I don't get your sister, can'ttake a compliment." Jack let go of the boy walking away to the other side ofthe parking lot. "Come on Ally, he's not that bad." "Alex believe whatever youwant, but if my girl would try flirting with my brother I wouldn't just standthere and watch." Alex' shoulders hung low at that. "He's not mine. He's just afriend." "Doesn't mean you don't want him to be more." Ally said and I couldswear she whispered "again." But I couldn't really hear that. "Whatever you don'thave a girl so..." He started, but that's when Adam came out of the schoolbuilding. "Drop it, Alex." Adam playfully shoved the boy away and he walked offto a shiny red Ferrari. "Sorry that I'm late, got caught up in my new creativewriting class." He opened the doors and got behind the wheel. Ally and Jennasat down in the back, so that left the passenger seat for me. I got in and Adamdrove off. " was your new class?" I asked. "It was alright. I mean Inearly entered the room late and got my head ripped off by Chrissy because Idared talking in her class but I made a kind of friend and I'm still alive, so..."He shrugged. "You better not get in trouble with that Chrissy chick..." Allyinterrupted from the backseat. "I won't, we are friends." "Then don't fuck itup and, you know, fuck her." Ally knew her brother. "...too late." Adam mumbled."You did not..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I just stared at him indisbelieve. "Adam, I...I thought she's with Lynn." He nodded. "She is, that wasbefore Lynn, let's just say I kind of helped her figure out she's gay." "'re unbelievable." Ally let herself fall back into her seat, starting aconversation with Jenna. Those two seemed to get along pretty good. "Are youokay with going home to Isabel?" He asked quietly so that only I could hear."Yeah, I'll deal with it. Just scared what her reaction will be when I tell herthat I know everything about that girl." He looked at me shocked for a momentbefore turning back to the street. "You going to confront her without beingsure?" "Adam, I am sure. I love Isabel and trust her, well, I used to, but Iknow what I saw and she's not just friends with that girl. I know because ofthe way she looked at her when she walked away, she used to look at me the sameway. We had an agreement and one part of it is to not lie and to let the otherone go when you realise that it's not working anymore. I know she broke herpart of the promise, but I'll keep mine. I'll let her go. I want nothing morethan for her to be happy and I know that I can't make her happy anymore, soI'll let her go." I know I sound like some stupid romantic movie, but I don'tcare. We already reached my house. "Call me, when anything happens or you needme, okay?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek before I got out of the car hidingmy blushing from him. I took a deep breath walking inside the house. My parentsare on a business trip so Isabel and I were alone. They'd come home tomorrow inthe late evening and leave before Christmas. I walked into the empty hall andto the kitchen where I found Isabel cooking something. "Hey Sweetie." Is shereally going to pretend nothing happened? I sighed. "Isabel..." She turnedaround, gently cutting me off. "I'm sorry Eve, I made mistakes, I hurt you inmore ways than one, and I'm so sorry, Eve. You're the best thing that ever happenedto me. You are the first... the only girl I could see a future with. I'll gettherapy, please, don't break up with me, I swear I'll change, for the betterand I'll be your girlfriend again. I'll be the best girlfriend for you, becauseyou deserve nothing but the best. And I know I'm not near perfect for you, butI love you and I need you and I swear I'll love you with everything that Ihave." 

It's Ada(m) and Eve, not Adam and SteveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя