Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

"You're bedroom you say." I was trying not to look at him at all. I don't know if I can contain my anger and my disgust anymore.

And then, he pushed me.
He pushed me onto the bed.
He was on top of me. I knew he was going to do something bad, so I struggled to get out. He had my hands pinned up and my legs sat on. And then he was going to kiss me.

Out of instinct, I head-butted him. He fell to the floor.

"You'll pay for this, you bitch!" The principal shouted.

"And how would that happen, huh."

"You're still going to be my queen. But I don't want any interference, especially coming from you. If you don't follow my orders, your beloved will pay."

"What 'beloved' are you talking about?! I don't even have a boyfriend, you idiot!" I screamed.

"Really? Let's just see, huh... Kate Cosmatio. When the sun rises, you and my wish will be all mine!" And then he stormed out with a bruise on his forehead.

Things were bustling. The hypnotized girl students were dressing me. And even though I want to throw a tantrum, I couldn't because my friend's lives are on the line. Minutes passed by and it was time. I was in a wedding dress. It was antique and old-fashioned.

As the double-doors opened, I was mentally screaming, 'I don't want to marry this psycho! Heck, I don't even want to be a queen of some continent! Someone save me please!' But those thoughts quickly vanished when I saw Jake dangling over a burning bonfire. Then and there, I knew I had no way out. I walked through the aisle; the other students were doing a chant.

"Bahau hela edu tu..." and keep repeating those words over and over again. I came up to the altar with the psycho smirking. Time went on, and it was time for the coronation. Well, it wasn't really a crown. I was more like a ring. And there I knew it, I was in deep shit and no one can save me anymore.

As the ring was closing in, it was suddenly hit by a pebble. When I looked up, it was Tin, Anna, and Leslie. They swung on thick wires, and were landed safely.

"Kate! That ring is poisoned!" Leslie shouted.

"It seems that you're not going to be a queen. You'll be the final sacrifice, the special sacrifice!" Anna added.

"Kick that psycho's ass now!" Ten seconded.

I faced the psycho. But then I had to rethink.

"Uh uh uh... you'll know what will happen if you oppose me, don't you? Your Jake will fall down, and be burned down, like fried chicken!"

In an instant, I didn't think of anything. I kicked the psycho's stomach, and he keeled over. I ripped my dress to move and I quickly ran to Jake, jumping and punching anyone who gets in my way.

The psycho then pressed the button which released Jake unto the fire, but I jumped so high and caught him. We landed safely, but the other hypnotized students were closing in, and I can't defend both myself and Jake who was unconscious the whole time. Fortunately, I had back up.

"Don't worry Kate, we'll help you." Mel said

And an all out battle ensued. I punched and kick the other students, fully knowing that I might hurt them. But if I won't stop them, then they'll be hypnotized forever. Everyone was battling out. On one instance Leslie was captured, but then Randy shouted, "Don't touch her!" And then kick the said boy on the stomach. Anna was captured by Ken again, but she slapped him, and that seemed to turn him back to normal, they hugged, and then they fought together.

An Unexpected AdventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant