Chapter 2

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~Chapter 2~

"Let your parents sign this permission slip for the field trip this Thursday!" the teacher, Ms. Danta, announced.

"Ma'am, where will the field trip be?" Randy, the most energetic guy I've ever known and also Leslie's boyfriend, asked.

Well, if you ask me how this rowdy boy and Leslie, a timid girl, got together... I also don't know the answer.

"Randy, if you just keep quiet for a minute, I'll tell you," Ms. Danta can be a sarcastic person at times, but we are used to it.

"The field trip will only be for 10 selected students per class. It will be decided by drawing lots, "and there she showed a container with papers. "There are 10 papers with check marks on it and the lucky ones will be given the opportunity to go to Saudi Arabia.

Murmurs were all around. Everyone was excited. Eventually we drew lots and the chosen were to stand in front.

I was one of the selected. Lucky me. The others were Tin, Leslie, Anna, Mae, Shelly, Sandra, Mel, Chris, and Jenny.

"Hahaha...Chris is the only 'girl' here!" Anna teased.

"But, wouldn't it be great? He can be together with Mae!" I freely said with my fist in the air.

"It's not-  I mean, we're not-... Kate, I'm gonna kill ya!" Mae chased me around. We ran in circles and somehow my smile was glued to my face. It was a lot of fun.

"Ahem... class is still not over," a voice interrupted. We remembered that Ms. Danta was still there.

"As an addition, because Randy is a member of the Student Council, he will also come. That is all." And then she left.

"What a coincidence! Most of the members of our dance group, U.G., are going." Tin said.

"Yeah... and I think Randy cannot wait to spend 'quality time' with Leslie," Shelly said while pointing at the two, with Randy's arm over Leslie, and Leslie being all red. "See?" And at that, we laughed.

It was finally the day of the trip. We were at the airport with other students from other classes there. Two classes per year, except for the freshmen this year because they have an overwhelming number of students.  Surprisingly, there was Jake together with his girlfriend Cindy. Well, I guess they got together during the summer vacation.

Unexpectedly, the trip did not even cost a penny. And that's what's bothering me the most. Our school isn't rich, it can hardly afford to build an auditorium; but why is the field trip to Saudi free?

"Hey, hey. I heard that we were invited by a principal there in Saudi. It will be like foreign exchange students, right?" Mel asked.

"That's why this trip's free. I was wondering about that since the announcement," Jenny said.

Gate 14 Flight 192 to Riyadh, will be boarding now.

"Okay, that's us!" Randy announced.

The boarding took a long time, and we were seated at the Economic Class. If its ten per class and there are nine classes all in all, then there will be approximately 90 students. Don't forget to count the Student Council Members and the Principal.

I'm now inside the plane and looking for my seat.

"Hmm... 29G... Yes! Window seat!" I plopped down happily on my seat. "I wonder who'll be sitting next to me."

I looked around the plane and saw my classmates. At the back were Tin and Anna. To the right of them were Shelly, Mandy from the other class, and Sandra. Next to them were Chris and Glen from the other class. At the back of Chris were Mae and Leslie, and at their left were Mel, Randy, and Ken from the other class. I guess Anna's kind of happy about this.

Looking at the window, I saw other airplanes taking off. And I got the restless feeling in my stomach. I'm always like this... so nervous in planes. Even if it only takes an hour, I'm still incapable of relaxing.

"Tsk... why does it have to be you?" at that voice, I realized I really am incapable of relaxing.

"Do you have a problem with me," I can't help but raise my voice, "if you'd like, I'll ask someone to transfer seats."

Seeing to it that I left nothing at my seat, I went to the aisle. But something stopped me.

"What's the matter now, Jake? Can't you see I'm going to transfer-"

What I said... I didn't mean it that way. It's just- never mind. Sorry, okay?"

"Fine." Sheesh. Making all this commotion over nothing, really such a pain; "Can you remove your hand, now?" and he let go.

The whole ride we were quiet until the captain announced that it was time to land.

Oh how I dislike landing. It's the part where I almost barf. Jake did not mind me at all. The whole time he was watching t.v., while I, one the other hand, was listening to music, trying to calm my stomach down. And now that there's a slight turbulence, I feel that my inner organs were having their own mind to just get out of my body.

'Maybe it would be funny if I vomit on him' I glanced to Jake whilst silently plotting in my head, 'then again, it would be embarrassing and he would tease me for it'.

"Kate, are you okay?" Tin asked from behind. The turbulence was getting more violent.

"I can manage...somehow." I feel that I would throw up any minute.

Lightning and thunderstorms, isn't the trip supposed to be only 2 hours!? The airplane was shaking so violently now, that I was feeling nauseous. Uh... my consciousness is slipping.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

And just like the great timing in movies... the airplane took a big plunge.

"Shit! We're falling!" even Jake was in hysterics.

I can hear the old couple in front of me praying, and a thought came to my mind. 'I'm gonna die!'

The thought was ransacking my brain, that I don't know I was already saying it out loud.

"I don't want to die... I'm still young. I didn't have the chance to do things. I'm still single! I don't want to die without even having a boyfriend once! No!!! Please!!!" my eyes were closed now, as the plane still drops.

"Will you shut up? We are not going to die!" Jake shouted at my ear but who cares, 'we're going to die...' I finally thought...

"Entre, I'll miss you guys. Sana maalala niyo ako. Classmates, goodbye...; Andie... goodbye...kahit na gusto kitang makita muli... kahit na di mo ako pinagbigyan ng pag-asa... I guess I didn't have a chance at all... Goodbye world!" I was being dramatic.

"Shut up! We are not going to die!" that was the last thing I heard and my consciousness slipped away. The last thing I felt was a warm hand squeezing my palm.

"Ma'am, we have landed."
Warm light surrounded me.

Is this heaven?

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