Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

"Kate... KATE! Wake up!" Tin has a worried expression plastered on her face.

"Am I in heaven?"

Who could blame me? I thought we were dead.

"kaw talaga... we didn't die!" Leslie shouted at me "Hurry up or we'll leave you!~"

Nightfall came. All students were inside the bus. We were leaving the airport and an hour passed.

"Where are we going anyway?" Shelly asked.

"Who knows," Sandra replied.

Eventually, the path we stumbled became rough. I realized we were in the forest.

'What are we doing inside the forest?' I thought. Where exactly are we? The road became rougher and the trees were towering everywhere.

"Hey, where are you taking us?!" Mel exclaimed. I, too, am getting scared.

Eventually our troubles worsened when the bus broke down.

"Great!" exclaimed Mel.

"The school is near here. It wouldn't take a few hours on foot," the principal ordered, "fall in line, everyone!"

On foot? He must be kidding me. But rather than staying in these creepy woods, I would rather choose having blisters on my feet. We traveled for who knows how long... only to be stopped in a place full of bamboo trees. Are we still in Saudi? Don't tell me they have panda bears here.

Those thoughts were irrelevant because when the principal moved the branch aside, let's say we were all astonished at the sight.

Among the darkness is a structure full of light. In front is a gigantic castle, medieval if you say. With deep trench full of water around it, the only entrance through it is a bridge. And we were to cross that bridge. The height was immeasurable. The wooden bridge was swinging so dangerously, it's hard not to step on brittle wood. But fortunately, everyone crossed it safely.

The principal talked to the guards, and the guards opened the gates.

"Children, this is the school you will be attending for the week."

"Is this really a school?" Chris said in amazement.

Brick walls, lamps and candles everywhere, but they also have fluorescent lights in the corridors. Wide halls, and a large dome-like auditorium like a mini-Hogwarts. After a little tour, we are being led into a floor with lots of rooms probably bedrooms.

"All girls from every year level will stay here in this floor. The boys will stay at the floor above. Curfew time is 7 pm. If anyone is caught loitering the corridors past that time, there will be consequences. After curfew, boys are not allowed to go down and/or meet with the girls. This corridor will be surveillance by cameras. Know that you are here as a student, not as a visitor. That is all." The principal and the other boys from our year left.

"Man, he is strict today." Tin said, while rubbing her head, "I guess we have to have 2 roommates, so it's 3 per room. I'll go with Kate and Anna!" she added. And we all went into our rooms.

Looking around, the room was pretty big, and the three beds were king-sized with extravagant curtains and decorations. The closets were big as well.

"I feel that we're not students... but princesses" Anna remarked.

"Yeah... but who cares! Look at the view!" I exclaimed looking out the balcony.

Even though we are surrounded by woods, the view I was so intrigued was the tall tower. And a small park below it holds a glittering pond that can be even seen by my eye range.

"Hey, hey did you hear? There's a rumor about this school!" Randy announced to us and went beside Leslie.

"Yeah, I heard it too." Said Tin, "it was said that in the mini park somewhere within the castle there is a statue that would show or let you feel what your heart truly desires.

"You mean the statue near the small pond, below the tower?" I questioned.

"A tower?" Mae asked, "I toured around the school, and I haven't seen any tower at all."

"What? But I saw it... last night. It was northeast from our balcony."

"Must be your imagination acting up again, Kate. I went with Mae and saw no tower at all." Leslie seconded.

"Well, maybe you're right." I was forced to accept it. Maybe it was just my imagination again.

"But that's not important! We have to see if the rumor is true." Typical Randy always wants to be updated either on gossips... or on gossips.

And we went to the said park, and saw a magnificent area. Cherry trees everywhere, a small pond in the center with water lilies floating. There were students from this school and from ours enjoying themselves in games or in picnics. A perfect place for a date as I have seen many couples around.

But what got my eye is the statue of a woman holding an orb on her left hand and a bow on her right hand. Around her neck was the strangest amulet I have ever seen. The strangest thing is that I was mesmerized by that amulet.

"Kate, we're going to buy some snacks. Wanna come?" Anna said.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here for a while. You know, get some fresh air."

"Gotcha," Mae said, "We're gonna leave those two lovebirds, anyway," she said while pointing at Leslie and Randy who were all lovey-dovey.

I guess this statue has more effect on couples. Is it really true that this statue will let you feel what you heart truly desires? And even do it to the point where you have no control of your body? I was skeptical.

I looked around the park and saw mostly couples. My eyes fell to the statue again and beside it, an image appeared. On the right corner, Andie's image appeared. I was ecstatic and wondered if  he really is what my heart wants. My head was filled with possible scenarios of our dates in the future, until I heard a voice... and a name.

"Jake, I'm going to go with my friends first. You can wait here if you like," I heard Cindy said to him.

"Okay" he replied.

And just like that, he went to the statue, a few feet apart from me. Lets imagine this:

Jake ----5 ft apart---- Kate

And on the left corner, I saw a blurry image of a guy that I know I knew of.

"Hi" I said as naturally as possible, like it was natural to be here in the same spot at the same time... like all the things that happened before never happened... like we were friends.

'Why are you thinking about the past? Stop it! I thought we came to an understanding, heart, that Jake and I are nothing more than friends, so stop day dreaming.' I berated myself internally. I probably look like an idiot staring into space but who cares.

"Sup. What are you looking at anyway?" he asked and came nearer.

"Nothing much; just this weird-looking pendant around this statue's neck. It seems like it's not made together with this statue..." the whole time I was looking at the statue, "thanks anyway... back there in the airplane, you reassured me that we'll not die even though I was so out of character. So thanks, Jake."

No reply.

"Jake?-"and what came after surely surprised me to no end.

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