Searching Sin City

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I wake up to a gentle hand shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes to see Sam. I get out to stretch, "You slept the whole way." Sam says. Wow I actually slept for more than an hour guess all I needed was for someone else to drive. I see Castiel standing at the ledge of the parking garage and join him. I'm met with the view of a shiny black pyramid. "Alright where are staying?" I say hoping we're staying in the big pyramid. Sam smiles clearly seeing my excitement, "There." He says pointing to the pyramid, called Luxor.

Once we get settled with conjoining rooms, we meet in my room. "So where are we going to start this man hunt?" Sam says as Castiel observes the view. "I actually have a plan." Sam looks at me with a furrowed brow. I continue, "Dean's a ladies man right?" Sam nods, "Ok so I was thinking maybe I go undercover as a stripper." Sam shakes his head and Castiel joins us at the table. "Sam I think she has a good idea. Dean does love the ladies and he is most likely to be found in one of those places." Castiel speaks in a dreary voice. I smile, "See the angel likes it." I say hearing the irony in that sentence.

Sam has his grumpy face on, "How is this going to work?" I smirk an evil little smirk, "Well Sammy boy we're in the city of sin. Where you can find a stripper with daddy issues everywhere. I got this body might as well put it to good use, right?" I catch Sam looking at me head to toe and tilts his head to one side. "You are a clever one. Alright. Castiel and I will grab the FBI badges and ask around to see if anyone's seen him. Hopefully that will give us a clue as to where he has been and if he frequents one particular place."

I nod and they head off to check things out. I go through my things and look for the perfect skimpy outfit. It's vegas right, why not splurge with one of the credit cards. I'm sure Emma Jackson would love a new outfit.

I take a cab down to a mall on the strip. Walking in I feel a little out of place, everything is so nice and everyone is dressed way better than I.

I walk around for what seems hours, occasionally checking my phone for Sam, I spot a Hot Topic store. Finally something good.

I browse around and find a black lace push up bra, not that I need the help, and a white Nirvana tank that's cut down the sides. I try them both on and look at myself in the mirror. This look needs a vest. I find a black corset vest and slip it on, looking again in the mirror. I smile at my fashion skills.

I look at some pants, it's too hot for jeans, so I check out some leggings. I find some red ones with lace wrapping around from my ankles and stopping above my ass. I take one more look and spot some stripper looking black lace heels behind me. I quickly put them on and do a turn. "Perfect." I say to myself. A voice behind says, "That outfit is amazing. You ready to check out?" I nod and hand her the tags. I'm not getting out of these.

I proudly parade out of the store getting stares from men and their wives slapping them to turn around. My phone rings and it's Sam. "Hey Sam. Find anything?" I hear the honking of horns in the background. "Yes but I'm not sure I want you in there. It's gross and smells like booze and STDS." I laugh at his protectiveness. "Sam I did have a life of hunting before, you asked for my help. Believe it or not I've done this before, Winchester." I can just see his confused face now, "You can tell me about that later. Let's meet back at the hotel." I agree and start my trek back.

I slide the room key as the green light appears and I open the door, only to be greeted with a gun pointed at me. "What the hell?" I say. Sam looks me up and down while tucking gun away. "Sorry. Just being safe. What are you wearing?" Sam says taking a seat back at the small table where Castiel sits. Castiel is an odd man, and doesn't say much, But obviously he is a man as his eyes linger upon me.

Waving my arms in front of me, "Sam in order to get the job, I must at least look a little slutty." I say walking to the mirror attached to the dresser, to apply my make up. "Well mission accomplished." I look at him through the mirror as I apply red lipstick. I put it down and turn around to face him, "So Winchester are you saying I look bad? Hey angel man, What do you think?" I say turning to look at Castiel.

Castiel shifts uncomfortably, "If you're asking if that outfit would catch Dean's attention, I would say that's an infinite yes." He averts his gaze to Sam, I nod accepting his answer. "Well anyway. We found that he frequents a place called the Angel Palace. He comes in around 9. We'll drive you." I nod and continue applying my makeup.

Hours later, Sam drives me to the Angel Palace, Castiel stayed behind. I get out and Sam comes around the car, "Ok I'll be just outside. If anything goes wrong you get your ass out. I don't want your Dad haunting my ass." He says squeezing my shoulder, "Sam I salted and burned his bones he won't. I'll be fine." I push my boobs up a little more, I notice Sam look away uncomfortably. "You still need to tell me about why you did this before." I turn around and walk away towards the shouting back, "In due time Winchester, Due time."

Sam was right this place has a very distinct smell, It's not pleasant. I ask one of the g-string wearing girls, where the manager is and she points to the bar, to a burly bald man in a leather coat. I tap him on the shoulder, "Excuse me, Sir. I was wondering if you were..." He cuts me off by putting his hand up, "You're hired. You came in just in time one of my girls just quit. You're on in 20. See Candy she'll get you a locker. What's your name?" That was easy, quick Olivia think of sleazy name. "Uh Cherry, like the fruit." He eyes me, "Ok we'll go with that."

I find candy who is a tall blond with massive boobs. She shows me to a locker and shows me the wardrobe closet. I browse and find something I know would grab any guy's attention. A cheerleader outfit. I change and quickly text Sam.

Me: Hey can you send me a picture of Dean. To refresh my memory?

Sam: Yeah.

Seconds later I get a picture. He's really attractive, so is Sam but Dean words can't explain. It won't be hard to spot him.

Sam: You doing ok?

Me: Yes I'm on in 10

Sam: Good luck

Sam's like a protective older brother. We're four years apart and I think he feels a sense of responsibility towards me. Candy comes in, "Hey doll you ready?" I nod standing and do one last check in the mirror, the skirt doesn't quite cover my ass. Oh well right.

I stand at the right of the stage looking at the shiny metal pole that decorates the middle of the platform. I immediately start to scan the room for Dean.

The MC gives a introduction and I make my way seductivly onto the stage.I drop down into the splits as warrant' Cherry Pie comes on. I slide forward onto my stomach arching my back and putting my ass in the air I look up and connect with a pair of beautiful green eyes. I look closer and see who the eyes belong too.

Dean Winchester.

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