Chapter 16

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👪The Gang👪

🌹Rose's POV🌹

I made my way to the door to be greeted by a very familiar voice.
"UNCLE!!!" The twins shouted with excitement in their voices.

I looked at the door to be surprised.
"Travis?!" I asked surprised as I see my friend by the door. With none other than his now wife and their baby girl. 
"Ling Ling!!" I looked at her and she gave me a sweet smile.

"Aunt Rose!" Little Lily shouted as she hugged me.
I bent down to her eye level and smiled at her.
"Well, aren't you a big girl now?" I said and she gave me a sweet smile.

I could really tell that Lily is in fact Travis's and Ling Ling's Daughter. She resembles a lot about the two which I find very cute.

"Hey Rose?" Travis called out making me shift my attention to him.
"Yeah?" I asked
"Are we just gonna stay here at your front door and chat the whole day here?" Travis asked jokingly.
"Oh! Right, sorry I forgot for awhile! Come in" I said and Ling Ling Chuckled.
"It's a bit late, but sure." Travis said with a grin.

"Rose, Who's there?" Hawk asked as he walked in the living room.
"TRAVIS!! My man!" Hawk said with pure excitement in his voice.
"Long time no see, bruh" Travis said as he hugged Hawk tight.

Making Ling Ling and I chuckle at the two. I guess somethings don't really change...

"Oh by the way Rose" Ling Ling said
"Yeah? What's up?" I asked
"Joy and Astoria wanted to give you this" Ling Ling said as she gave me an envelope.
"What's this?" I asked
"Just Open it and you'll know" Ling Ling said with a smile.

I nodded and Opened the envelope.
As I took out the item in it, I smiled at it. Hearing a giggle from Ling Ling.

It was a picture of the whole Gang together when we were still in Regal Academy. We were smiling like crazy.  I missed those days.... I miss the times we went on adventures.... And the way we treat each other.  I miss them....... So much....

I turned to Ling Ling to see her give me a smile. I smiled back as the memories of the whole gang came back flooding to me, as if they were just yesterday..

Then I felt a light pull on my shirt.
I looked for see my twins and Lily. Looking at me with worry in there eyes. I bent down to their eye level and asked.
"Why do you have such long faces?" I asked as I looked at the three of them.
"Why is Mommy sad?" Apple asked as she wiped my cheek with her little hands.
"Mommy's not sad" I answered and she just shook her head.
"Mommy Is crying!" Apple said
"Aunt Don't be sad, Lily, Mommy,  Daddy, Apple, Axel and Uncle are her for you" Lily said with a smile on her face making me smile slightly.
"Now I know where you get your sweetness from" I said as I pulled Lily unto a hug. 

"Remember Aunt,  We love you" Lily said with a sweet smile. Making me in the verge of pinching her cute cheeks.
"So cute" I squeaked. And she giggled making me automatically pinch her cheeks.
"Aunt!!" Lily shouted in a very cute way.
"I can't help it! You're way too cute for me!" I shouted as she just sighed.

"Come on Rose, I know that Lily is cute and all but, Can you stop hurting my little angel?" Travis said as he carried Lily.
"But, I really can't help it! She almost as if she's a doll!" I shouted and Travis just pouted.

"Anyways. We have some news to share" Ling Ling said as She joins the conversation.
"Is that so?" Hawk said as he also joined the conversation.

"Well then, How about we take a sit and Then we'll tell the news." Travis said as he looked at Ling Ling.
"Sure" Hawk and I said as we went to sit down on the couches.

"So What's the news?" Hawk asked and Travis and Ling Ling looked at each other and nodded.
"Well, As you can see... We have Lily over there" Ling Ling started as I nodded.
"She once told us that she wanted a sibling" Travis continued as we just kept quiet to listen.
"So, That's the story" Travis said
"And Also that means Ling Ling is actually.......Pregnant!" Travis shouts making me shock and happy at the same time.
"How many Months?!" I asked still shocked.
"about a month already" Ling Ling answered shyly.
"Congratulations!!" Me and Hawk both said at the same time.
"Thank you" Ling Ling and Travis said as they both have smiles on the faces.
"I wonder, Is it a boy or a girl?" Hawk asked and I hit him on the elbow.
"What was that for?" Hawk asked as Ling Ling and Travis Chuckled.
"You can't find out if it's a girl or a boy yet. It's still just a month. The baby has a long way to go" I answered and Hawk had an 'now I understand' look.
"Anyways, I'm happy for the both of you!" I said as They just chuckled.
"Now there would be 2 little Ling Ling and Travis!" I shouted and Lily gave me a look.
"But, Lily will be sad if I wasn't Aunt Rose's Favourite anymore!" Lily said with a pout. Making me coo.

"I didn't say that! Even though There's going to be a new baby here doesn't mean that Lily won't be my Favorite anymore!" I said and a smile made its way to her lips.
"I love you Aunt!" Lily said as she gave me a hug.
"I love you too!" I said and hugged her back.

"Mom!!" The twins shouted with disappointment in the voices.
"But no one can be compared to my twins" I said and heard Hawk fake a cough.
"....And of course my one and only true love and Husband, Hawk" I said and a smile made it's way to his lips.

I looked at them and gave them a huge hug each. And We laughed as the time passes by and until the day ends.

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